Arnie’s @ Hollywood – Cold, smoked shoulder

T'was 13 degrees and 16 PAX came out for the premier of Arnie's Army @ Hollywood complete with a heavy helping of smoked shoulders and more running than anyone could imagine.


Take a lap on the snowy, icy backside of the village and end up under the marquis for the warn-o-rama

SSH x 30

Toy Soldiers x 20

CCDs x 20

Cotton Picker x 20

Merkins x 10


Mosey to icy lot for some team suicides

4 rounds with each person doing LBCs, W's, V Ups, and Rosalita's while partner does a suicide then alternate

Mosey back under the marquis for

Peter Parker on the wall x 20

Peoples Chair with arm extensions for 1 minute

Mohammad Ali x 20

Balls to the Wall – 45 seconds


Mosey to fountain and parnter up

20 dips and 20 squats alternating with partner x 4 rounds

Back to the theater for Mary

Low Flutter x 20

Homer to Marge with Scissors

Plank 30 seconds


1) great PAX who can read twitter finally 🙂

2) Perrier got lost and ended up at the Army for the first time in – not sure how long. Great to see you!!!

3) Kid Rock returned and the Tigers & Lions are still out of the playoffs – sorry KR

4) Q almost busted his a** on the ice – but luckily the cat like reflexes kicked in (not)

5) The cold wasn't bad thankfully as the wind was non-existent… otherwise we would have been under the parking deck