Arnie’s Leggy Feat. LBLCs

Event Date

Dec 20, 2021

One score minus one day ago, an enthusiastic DonHo gave an empassioned speech at the F3LKN Christmas party encouraging YHC to Q more workouts.  This, in turn, led an equally enthusiastic Auto to sign me up for this morning's Q at Arnie's Army.  Having been to a few highly repetative and upper-body focused beatdowns at this particular AO, I felt a certain responsibility to switch things up a bit and focus on the below-the-belt musculature for the 8 Pax who attended on this crisp and cool morning.


  • Start at top of Birkdale Clubhouse parking lot
  • SST x 12 IC
  • Jog to bottom of Birkdale Clubhouse parking lot
  • Lego showed up 4 minutes late
  • IST x 12 IC
  • Jog to top of Birkdale Clubhouse parking lot
  • Slow Windmills x 12 IC
  • Jog to bottom of Birkdale Clubhouse parking lot
  • Toy Soldier x 12 IC 
  • Jog to top of Birkdale Clubhouse parking lot
  • Slippery Dip Can x 12 IC 


Everyone get a block and Zamparini to the street (yes the street).  Partner Up.

  • Lunge Walk Farmer Carry
    • Partner 1 lunge walks 10 each leg toward the bridge
    • Partner 2 farmer carries both blocks and shoulder shrugs behild Partner 1
    • Switch and repeato until arrival at the Devonshire bridge
  • Side Shuffle across bridge and back
  • Bridge Over the River Crab
    • Parner 1 bear crawls across the bridge and bear crawls/crabwalks/gives up and jogs back
    • Partner 2 curls block while Partner 1 does the above
    • Switch
  • High Knee Farmer Carry
    • Partner 1 does 30 high-knees back toward the clubhouse
    • Partner 2 farmer carries both blocks and shoulder shrugs behild Partner 1
    • Switch and repeato until arrival at the clubhouse parking lot


Grab block and face YHC in two paralel rows

  • Left Side Lunge/Back Lunge w/ Block x 10 IC
  • Right Side Lunge/Back Lunge w/ Block x 10 IC
  • Sumo Squat w/ Block x 10 IC
  • Put blocks away
  • Calf Raises on curb x 12 IC
  • Rocky Balboa on curb x 20 IC


  • LBC x 10 IC 
  • Pull Throughs x 10 IC
  • 100s x 24 IC 
  • Alternating Crunches x 10 IC
  • DonHo Audible:  Burpees x 10 OYO (despite my promise of no Burpees)
  • Turncoat Audible:  Moroccan Nightclub x 60? 70? 90? IC
  • Pilates Finisher
    • Left Side Double Toe Taps x 10 IC
    • Left Side Little Baby Leg Circles x 10 IC
    • Left Side Big Grown Up Leg Circles x 10 IC
    • Right Side Double Toe Taps x 10 IC
    • Right Side Little Baby Leg Circles x 10 IC
    • Right Side Big Grown Up Leg Circles x 10 IC
  • WWII Situps x 8 to get to 6:15

Recover.  Recover.