10 Pax got it done today at Berean. Here’s what went down:
Warmarama (IC)
-Slow Windmill x10
-Long Snapper/Dwight Schrute/Slippery Dip Can/Carrot Pullers/Lil’ Professor x10
-SSH x50 (100)
-IST x 15 (30)
Mosey from basecamp and past the aromatic trash bins to the large parking lot.
Circuit 1: Dora (Partner up)
-300 Squats
-200 Merkins
-100 LBC’s
Circuit 2: Core
-Crunchy Frog x15 (30 IC)
-WWII x20
-Pillow talk (each side) x20 (80 IC)
-Suzanne Somers (each leg) x20 (80 IC)
-Doe the “i” reverse LBC x20
-Low flutter x15 (30 IC)
-Pretzel crunch (each side) x20 (80 IC)
-Freddy Mercury x15 (30 IC)
-Rosalita x20
-Merkin Time Bomb (5 count)
Circuit 3: Curb and Median Inspection
-Curb Inspection: Rocky Balboa/Muhammad Ali x50 (100 IC)
-3 Median Inspections: Sprint past the first median; Power walk the second; Sprint past the third and around the traffic circle; Repeato (round 2) back to basecamp.
Circuit 4:
-10 Bobby Hurleys
-10 Slow, deep, squats
-10 MHs
-10 reverse lunges (each leg)
-Arm circle of fire (10 count)
Mosey back to base
Recover, Recover
YHC hadn’t posted in a week due to having the flu. Could YHC keep up with these hard chargers without coughing up a lung? When we arrived, Thug was on the corner free style rapping. We were uncertain how long he’d been there, but he joined in with us. Airstream didn’t care that YHC was struggling and wasn’t playing around today. He let it be known that he was ready to conduct business promptly at 5:15am. No time for YHC’s “whine” and cheese shenanigans, so we were off! These hard chargers handled the 3 circuits well. Bagboy was a great partner for YHC during Dora and crushed it as always. The 1st F took his median sprints seriously (and his turbo went off before his feet saw the speed bump), but he avoided a catastrophe and warned those of us who were not running at light speed about the danger. Hippie was looking for something to smoke, so he just decided to smoke the workout instead. Stromboli was in beast mode as usual. Shaken not Stirred was also in 5th gear today. Soprano enjoyed getting in 100 SSH’s. Shadow just likes to hang out with a bunch of old guys. He makes us all look bad by making it look so easy.
Prayer Requests
-Moses father’s health
-Airstream’s family member,Alice Anne, is having a heart procedure
-Toby’s family with the loss of his wife’s grandmother
-March 22-Register The Operation Sweet Tooth 6th Annual Christina Latini Memorial 8K and 2 Mile Walk. https://latinimemorial8k.raceroster.com/
-March 29th 8-noon (7am workout)-Possum is seeking volunteers for the Annual Smithville Community Garden/Park Refresh (spreading mulch and other manual labor typically on a Saturday morning). A shovel and strong back is all that’s needed.
-April 5-6- Charlotte Spartan: https://race.spartan.com/en/races/charlotte-north-carolina
-Signups begin soon for “F3 Pickle for Hope”, a four week pickleball doubles spring challenge with benefits going to our friends at Hope House! Tentative launch is the 4 weeks of April, teams will schedule matches among themselves so there are no fixed dates. Play as many matches as you’re able during the 4 weeks. Pick a partner now, signup with a $50 entry fee for each team. More details coming soon.
-Drebin is rescheduling the F3 western NC volunteer trip due to the weather that hit this past weekend. A later date will be scheduled in April. Please DM Drebin if you are interested. And he will add you to the communication thread.
-October 25th-Neck of the Woods Adventure Race website and registration is live! https://t.co/j118U1pj77
-May 23-Dragonboat Ramsey Creek Race.
Toby glad you are back and feeling better!
Toby is back!