Around the AO

I planned the workout last night and decided to show the Pax all the AO has to offer. Thus the theme of the workout was to tour the AO. This is our journey:


Mosey to pull-up bars & circle up for the Disclaimer



Mt climbers 15 IC

Plank jacks  15 IC

Forward fold 

Front windmill R&L 5 each leg IC

Windmill 10 IC

Dwight Shrutes 10 IC

IST 15 IC (first BS call of the day)

Toy Soldier 15 IC


The Thang

Grab the blocks

Block Swings 15 OYO

Block Squats 10 IC

Block curls 10 IC

Block press 10 IC

Block Oblique Twists 10 IC

Blocks back


Mosey to pull-up bars

Pull-up Burpees 5

Toe jam Burpees 5

Hanging low flutter Burpees 5

Half did the excercises & half did squats then flapjack for all 3 rounds 


Mosey to Stumptown for Monkey Humpers 10 IC


Mosey to top of steps for 5-1 ladder

Mericans at the top

Lunges at the bottom

Bunny hop up steps


Mid-workout Mobility Moment (What would Goat do) WWGD

Forward fold

Runners Pose Right

Runners Stretch

Twisting Arm Reach

Repeat on Left side


Mosey to copperhead hill 

Side plank up R&L to the top & run back down


Mosey to wall 

Cat crawl across or audible to lunge walk if not comfortable with the danger of the cat crawl


Mosey to school 

Balls to the wall walk R & L

Moving Mohammad Ali R & L up the curb to the top of the hill, and back down again


Mary & Mobility moment 


Bear Plank

Mobility moment 

Spinal Twist R&L


Pigeon R&L





Blackbeard, like the pirate he is, did his own thing several times during the workout, even getting YHC to question the ladder directions. #influencer.


Toxic was true to form and tried to predict the next exercise, causing YHC to quickly audible to an Off-Weinke exercise. That will teach him said no one ever. Nice try.


Great to have Twister back with us – been too long so keep coming back and crushing this thing.


Canuck continues to crush it and inspires us to be better showing age is just a number.


Panzer decided against the fart sack and a bike ride by the AO today. Good choice and well done.


Rocket commuted all the way from Peachtree City to be here today (at least it seems that way with as much time as he is spending there). Good to have you back in the hood.


Rooney will sign up on the website this weekend. To help him, the PW is Fretwell. Great work today.


Crimson has an impressive knowledge of college mascots, knowing all about the St. Louis University Bilicans. Well done.


Top Gun Set several alarms today to beat the Fart Sack and it worked splendidly. Nice job.


The Force has recently switched up his workout apparel. If you want to hear more ask Frogger (AKA The Tailor).


Cachow always lives up to his name blasting through the workout and all YHC threw at him. Impressive.


Happy Gilmore, is newer to F3, but you would never know it as he proceeded to push himself and us all morning. Strong.


Welcome to JT, John Troun (Sp?) who joined us for his 2nd post. He went to St. Louis University. Their mascot is the Bilican (an elfish creature that brings good luck). However, the Pax thought he said Pelicans, so the name temporarily stuck and he was named Pelican. But that is not the rest of the story. Read on as it gets better. We met up at Defined for coffeeteria and learned more about JT. He is studying to be a doctor, works in pharmecuticals, and spends time at St. Mark despite living in Charlotte. All of this could take you to a variety of names and we had some fun thinking of some. However, the name needs to be meaningful, and the next part of the story truly is miraculous. JT allowed me to share this with the group. 13 years ago he was the recipient of a Kidney transplant. The donor was an 11 year old girl who passed away but donated her organs so others, like JT, could have a full life. Knowing that, we had to change the name from Pelican. JT is now known as Kidney Bean. Now, you too need to sign up on the website. The PW is still Fretwell.


This was another great start to the day and I thank each of these men for pushing me and holding me accountable. This month is Kotter/FNG month, so bring out someone new to join us. The dues are not bad compared to most gyms or workout groups. Yes, we get up early, but sleep is overrated. Yes, we workout in all weather (lighting the one exception), in the dark which can be dangerous, and challenging. But, we do it together and that is the answer. Until next time.


