Around the World in 45 Minutes

Little Finger and I rolled up and rolled out on The Standard at 0500. Along the way, we encountered a few unsuspecting PAX. It was like Dorothy and Toto wandering through the land of Oz.  First, we intersected with Ultraman in Wynfield. After running a 50k last Saturday, he was shaking out the legs.  Then, somewhere in the midst of MacAuley we stumbled on to Bunyan and Tuck. I’m not certain they were going to The Vanquisher but they jumped right in with us.  Somehow, we missed Tagless on his morning commute but he caught up to us at the AO.  We were then joined by Travolta, Jimmy O and Funky Town.


Mosey to the main entrance of the school; butt kicking was done along the way. 

Circle up and stretch out:

Windmill x10IC

Cotton Picker x10IC

Downward Dog, left calve, right calve




Partner up, size did not matter. 

P1: Bearcrawl

P2: Run lap around 1/2 of the parking lot

Switch when runner catches up the crawler;

10 Carolina Dry Docks at each transition.

P1: Broadjump

P2: Run lap around 1/2 of the parking lot

Switch when runner catches up to the jumper;

20 squats at each transition. 

Add a 3rd partner 

P1 and P2: wheelbarrow

P3: run like the wind

Rotate through till each person experiences the shear joy of being a wheelbarrow. 

30 Apollo Ohno at each transition. 

Find a planter box for a Step Up/Incline Merican ladder action from 2 to 10 and 10 to 2.

Mosey back to the cars for some Murray. 


Boat to canoe care of Little Finger

Mack-tar-Jaye to J-Lo x10IC each by YHC

Mason Twist with excellent form by Travolta

Low Flutter with TLC by Funky Town

Mericans because well, it’s Merica x10IC

Recover, recover  


– No rain slicker required, the rain was held at bay  

– Ultraman with the 50k on Saturday and Vanquisher on Monday?  Is that even humanly possible?  Strong!  T-claps to Frogger for running  the last lap with you!  #HIM

– Travolta is in need of Qs for Gladiator on Tuesdays!  


The Count