Art Connoisseurs

9 men did the KB workout, while 3 or 4 did the Standard. Crab Legs had to leave after standard to take M to an early doctor's appointment, but he still gets BB credit for doing the Standard. We warmed up and did a bunch of kettlebell stuff. Some pull-ups and dips. A bear crawl And lots of lunge walks. Then we did 7 minutes of Mary.



  • The mumblechatter was off the chain this morning. A lot of conversation about round objects and art from Southeast Asia. That's as much as I'm willing to put in this backblast. You had to be there.
  • Join the Shield Lock Challenge: Form a team – volun-tell guys they are partaking in the challenge on your team. Do it to increase Accountability and to form stronger bonds with your F3 brethren. There is no downside.


Thanks Ultraman for the opportunity to lead. Next time I'll leave the calendar blank so The Force can take the Q. Until then – CB.
