As Fast as The Deer (or so it may seem – it was dark)

FNG-1 = Tantrum's fast 2.0 FacePlant, FNG-2 = The Colonel, named just yesterday at The Sword and has now completed his 3rd post since Friday.  Solid start!

15 total pax plus Frogger ventured down the dark hill to the base of Richard Berry Park where 3 pax were running early and 2 were laying on the ground watching a female doing ab work through a pax's mobile device ("core standard").  Oh, but those 2 pax were also doing core work…  Then it was 0530 and thus it was time to deliver on the promised of the preblast.  Here's kinda how that went:


Grab blocks, to the track. Blocks down in the corner.


2 laps (1/2 mile)


Warm-o-Rama of the usual


Blocks up


Skull Crushers x 25 IC

Full Curls x 25 IC

Skull Crushers x 25 IC

Full Curls x 25 IC

Blocks down


2 laps (1/2 mile)


Blocks up, walk to the hill.


Bottom = shoulder press x 10 IC

Top = 1/4 turn jump squats x 1

Blocks up

Mosey up the parking lot hill, around and back down.

Circle up:  Mobility Moment




YHC met Gambini at 5:10 for a “core standard”. Solid way to get started.

A few guys were running the standard when we arrived. Believe they were Frogger (kept running vs posting with us), Freedom and Peart Plus

Welcome back Mona Lisa! Way to keep pushing after that hair all or whatever that was on the track.

The Torance F3 compound continues to gain strength with the addition of Sac Daddy and The Colonel in the past 2 weeks.  5 of the 15 pax this morning.

As we ran the laps on the track, we could hear some movement and other noice in the bushes/trees. Can be a little unsettling. Finally, during block work a small deer came flying out, around the track, circled behind us then ran back along the fence line into the woods. That was interesting but what came next was better.

There were 2-3 non F3ers at the track this morning putting their work in.  As one female finished her lap she approached us and asked if we saw “it”.  She went on to say when she first saw it she thought it was one of us and that we really brought the speed today. Compliment taken!

Good work by everyone for a full body workout. All promises were delivered.

That’s it. The Force is OUT.

