As fate would have it…………

First off, our F3 mascot finally showed after a two-week sabbatical and forced YHC to Omaha our flight plan.  As warned in the pre-blast, this workout would be subject to fate and lady luck – it could have been really easy, or really hard or somewhere in between.  The concept – allow each man to participate in choosing our destiny.  Which in retrospect, was like giving a three year old a can of Mountain Dew, a blow torch and a can of spray paint and acting surprised by the carnage.  On paper it looked simple.  In execution….that’s another story.

Warm up:

Jaunt to parking lot across from AO, circle up

  • SSH x 25 because we’re creatures of habit

  • IST X 16 because it’s a dopey exercise

  • DC Mericans x 20

  • Mountain climbers X 20

  • Mosey back to parking lot


The thang-a-langa-ding-dong

20 rounds of exercise set up – two options – one called “Heads” and one called “Tails”.  One guy would call heads or tails, flip a coin (1879 silver dollar) then we do the exercise for “heads” or “tails” depending on what landed.  If he guessed wrong we doubled the exercise.

Rd 1:  heads = 20 Mericans or Tails = 10 Burpees

Pax guessed wrong 40 Mericans

Rd 2:  heads = 1 Lap or Tails = 40 SSH

Pax guessed wrong 80 DC SSH

Rd 3  heads = 20 Drydocks or Tails = 25 Diamond Mericans

Pax guessed right 25 Diamond Mericans

Rd 4:  heads = 1 lap or Tails = 50 step bear crawl

Pax guessed wrong 100 step bear crawl

Rd 5:  heads = 10 Jack Webbs or Tails = 1 lap

Pax guessed right 1 lap

Rd 6:  heads = 30 LBC’s or Tails = 25 Slow Deep Squats

Pax guessed wrong 50 slow deep squats

Rd 7:  heads = 21 lap or Tails = 50 flutter kicks

Pax guessed right 50 flutter kicks

Rd 8:  heads = 25 Mericans or Tails = 30 step gorilla walk

Pax guessed right 25 mericans

Rd 9:  heads = 20 Dying cock roaches or Tails = 20 wide grip mericans

Pax guessed right 20 wide grip mericans

Rd 10:  heads = 1 lap or Tails = 15 Burpees

Pax guessed right 1 lap

Rd 11:  heads = 25 Dips or Tails = 1 lap

Pax guessed right 25 dips

Rd 12:  heads = 10 Burpee jumps or Tails = 50 step bear crawl

Pax guessed wrong 20 burpee jumps

Rd 13:  heads = 60 sec plank or Tails = 25 mericans

Pax guessed right 60 sec plank

Rd 14:  heads = 1 lap or Tails = 60 sec elbow plank

Pax guessed right 60 sec elbow plank

Rd 15:  heads = 20 drydocks or Tails = 20 diamond mericans

Pax guessed wrong 40 diamond Mericans

Rd 16:  heads = 25 slow deep squats or Tails = 30 sec airborne mind bender

Pax guessed wrong 60 second airorne mind bender (cut short because it’s gay)

Rd 17:  heads = 25 flutter kicks or Tails = 1 lap

Pax guessed wrong 50 flutter kicks

Rd 18:  heads = merican clock or Tails = 1 lap

Pax guessed right 1 lap



50 LBC’s

50 flutter kicks

Moleskin (which oddly enough means; the skin of a mole used as fur – or – a thick, strong cotton fabric with a shaved pile surface)

Based on the Pax ability to call heads/tails, flip a coin and catch it – we needed way more handicap parking spots than Trackscan afforded

The inability to toss the coin and catch it was only slightly worse than the ability of the pax to guess correctly which led to a compounding of the exercises.

A mutiny broke out on round two when Honeymoon, tossing and guessing wrong turned 40 SSH’s into 80.  Some members (of more delicate stature) realized YHC was doing double-count SSH’s and went Midol over the prospect of 160 SSH’s.  YHC, faux-paus’d and abbreviated the round to 43 versus 80, then after deserved chiding from Crack, later appended the missing 37 SSH’s to the dismay of the aforementioned candy-coated Millie’s.

Oddly enough no one guessed wrong on running laps so no laps were doubled.  Pierogi did reward the team by guessing wrong on his coin toss thus rewarding them with a 30 second airborne-mind-bender X2.  YHC nixed it about 28 seconds into it because it just wasn’t right.

Awesome to see Senator, sporting his bad a$$ do-rag and adding to mumble-chatter

At some point I believe Santiago disappeared and reappeared but that is not confirmed.

YHC was surprised to get his 1879 silver dollar back from this crowd – some fun facts:

1879 was the number of sound effects and one liners Pierogi provided

1879 was also the number of times YHC mangled cadence

1879 was the number of complaints about exercises

1879 was also the number of tissues Manhand’s used for his sniffles the prior night


We need to revisit this exercise and a) fine tune the mechanics and b) all accept the fact that it may not be for the faint of heart if we wind up doubling the exercises.  Also won’t include airborne benders.


In all, always a joy to be with such a fine group of men.  Keep showing up no matter what.  Keep pushing yourselves no matter how hard it seems and we’ll all see results.  If we settle for defeat then that’s what we’ll get.

