3 Rucktards started the week off with a 2 mile ruck on the new greenway. Thanks Blackberry and Ramrod for coming out before your post at Thunderdome. 

*Early was present, but his name wasn't on the Pax list. So we will get that figured out and added. #respect! 

MMM and how it went down to the best of my memory: 

Warm-o-rama- IC

SSS x 30
EST x 20
Windmill x 20

The Thang:

10 minutes OYO: 
KB Swing and Goblet Squats: 1 and 1, then 2 and 2, 3 and 3…
At every 5 we did 5 Burpees.
Ended with most people getting to 15 swings and 15 squats
Total: 174 Swings, 174 Squats, 15 burpees

Partner up:
Partners completed together 100 overhead press, 200 curls, and 300 bent over row
One partner Zamperini'd over to the stairs, up the stair and back while the other partner chipped away at the total exercises. 


Flutter kicks with KB chest press 20 IC
Low Dolly with KB held up 20 IC
Freddy Mercury 20 IC
The "W" 20 IC 


– Thanks to everyone coming out and being flexible with my making up the workout "As we go". 

– Hope it was a good challenge for you and fun to do something different. 

-That parking lot is where it all began for me 3 years ago last Monday. 

-Keep posting and EHing!