Ask not for whom the Kettlebell tolls. It tolls for thee!

Exercises or names with an asterisk are inventions of YHC. I get bored easily.

Little Bo Peep and Tom Harvey (Bill?) didn't show up in the Pax list.


  • B-Minus (80%-level run) 'round the lot to get the blood flowin’.
  • 25 Goose-Steps* IC (arms and legs straight, front-to-back instead of side-to-side like side straddle hops).
  • 20 Girl Fights* IC (arms swinging fast in a big arc).  
  • 25 Pirate Ships* IC (Bend over 90 degrees, arms wide, swing torso and arms back and forth like the carnival ride.)
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys OYO (no three-pointers were scored).


  • 10 Worst Merkins Ever (wide arm + regular + diamond = 1, in sequence, in six-count cadence).
  • 10 Cobra Kai Killers* (one-legged squats with arms in Crane Kick position.) Forgot to kick it out at the end, so I guess we lost the All-Valley Karate Tournament. Miagi say: “Win, lose. No matter. You make good fight. Earn Respect.”
  • Arm-O-Rama* OYO (10 Full Curls/10 Shoulder Presses/10 Skull Crushers). Repeato until walking all the way around the lot. Lots of mumblechatter made me think that compliance was low. We made up for that later.   
  • 20 Golfzillas* (nickname of long-drive champ Jason Zuback) Kettlebell swings from side to side in front of body.

Partner up

  • Duck Burps* Partner 1 does AFLACs* (Duck Walk with Kettlebell) until Partner 2 has completed 15 Burpees (which in F3, as Moses clarified, always include a push-up). Partner 2 runs to catch up with Partner 1 and fast-carries the kettlebell back to the starting line to switch roles and see how the other half lives.
  • Double Dogs* Partner 1 does 25 Double-Bell Rows OYO while Partner 2 does Upward Facing Dog (feet and palms only, head up). Switch roles, hit replay.
  • 20 Full Curls with Last-Rep Hold
  • 15 Shoulder Presses with Last-Rep Hold
  • 15 Skull Crushers with Last-Rep Hold


  • 20 Hot Potatoes OYO (transfer sit-ups with hooked legs, passing bell back and forth)
  • 20 Teabag* Partner Leg Throwdowns OYO (heels under arms instead of on top).
  • 20 Little Baby Flutter Crunch Presses* in cadence (crunches, flutters, and kettlebell chest presses all at once–yes, it’s possible)
  • 20 Low Dollys IC
  • 25 WWII Situps IC
  • 20 Heels to the Heavens IC
  • 20 Lying Toe-Touch Crunches (legs in the air) IC
  • 25 Toe Touches (feet on the ground) IC

Recover Recover

Secular take-out with a world-perspective gratitude theme. Finished the COT with “Let There Be Peace on Earth.”

16 men showed up today ready to show that kettlebell who’s boss. The only running we did was a 300-yard dash at the beginning, but I’m thinking we got some elevated heart rates nonetheless.

T-Claps for Moses who got the Bonen-Clark contingent out in full force today.

Tried to get 11 HCs to purchase the F3 book “Freed to Lead” by threatening with Worst Merkins, but we must have masochists among us. Lowered the bar later to 5 books and barely made it to that, so another round of punishment was averted. Really, gents, it’s a must-read for all Pax. Dredd and OBT did an awesome job telling the story and explaining the culture of F3. Just search Amazon for “Freed to Lead” and fork over 12 bucks. I mean really.