Assembly Line Launch Party

Thanks to all for coming out to the Grand Opening of River Monster.  It was a real honor to be able to plant a shovel flag 5 minutes from home.  10 mintues more sleeep for River Run and surrounding 'hoods on Monday – you're welcome!  Taken away when BRR season starts because we will be doing that thing where you move your legs fast and don't use a car to get places (sigh).  

Odd objects were promised and delivered and made us stronger.   Burnsy made me promise to do some SSHy type stuff for any newer members, before throwing wierd heavy stuff at 'em.  So we did a….


20 SSH IC 

10 Cotton Pickers IC

10 Windmills IC

The cops gave a slow driveby at this point.  They were not overly concerned and kept driving, because we weren't advancing upon the underground River Run Bacon Compound.  Don't worry RR, I will never disclose the location to Jolly Roger.  Our bacon is saved.

10 IST

It was 50 degrees and I was excited to get to the Walk of Pain, so enough warmy-uppy.


Headed over to bleachers for…

10 Step-ups Right Leg

10 Step-ups Left Leg

10 Incline 'Mericans 

10 Decline 'Mericans

Editorial Note:  Please call them " 'mericans" in your BB.  Do you know what a Merkin is???  Do not google at work.


The Walk of Pain:  various and sundry heavy thingies and a couple of jump ropes were set up in assembly line format next to the lighted row of flowering trees that is the hallmark of RR 'hood entrances. It is basically a yuppie runway.  The jumpropes were quickly ditched due to enough heavy toys to go around and the pure stupidity of jumping rope with rucks on (not ruck friendly).

The finale of this walk was the vaunted Iron Pumpkin (showtoknow) which was ogre carried – there is no good way to hold but many grunts –  20 yards to the end of the walk and back.  Then wounded pax runs to end of line to move others up.


Slam Ball Squats

Kette Bell Swings

60# Sandbag Clean and Press

Cinder Block Overhead Press

Big Sloshpipe Curls

Kettle Bell Skull Crushers

60# Sandbag Squat

Cinder Block Bent Rows

Small Sloshpipe Overhead Lunges

Iron Pumpkin Ogre Carry

Run back to beginning, 10 'mericans, rinse, repeat

We carried on this nonsense for about 20 minutes, with ample owees for all.


Ruck friendly paced shuffle up path and over to handrails.

10 Single Leg Squats Right IC

10 Single Leg Squats Left IC

Bear crawl across street (no cars)

10 Incline Mericans

10 Decline Mericans

Shuffle back for…


Someone said Burpees…so 10 Burpees, then someone said 20…so 20. I am a listener and a giver, not a talker and a taker – so be careful what you ask for.

Low Flutters 20 IC

Pillow Talk  10 IC (each side) 

Makhtar N'Diaye X 20 IC 

Editorial Note:  Jolly explained that Makhtar was a UNC hoops player who threw lots of elbows and challanged YHC to spell in bb. What Jolly didn't account for is that Mahktar transferred, from Michigan…and that Makhtar was occasionally Wingman's wingman.  We drank more than a few pitchers together back in they day.  I considered doing my impersonation when this exercise was called, but it involves an explitive every third word.  


1 perfect burpee to close

Recover Recover!


  1. Continually amazed by the quality of folks that find and stick with F3.  Physical, Mental, Spiritual  – all strong..
  2. Burns and Jolly – thanks for the opportunity to lead and for not banning the Iron Pumpkin
  3. RR Crew – Cap'n thanks for bringing me in.  Bagboy thanks for making me stick with it. Lex – thanks for making me do things I am not sure about because you know I will grow (HTL, BRR).  Ditka looking forward to having another solid midwesterner in the mix.  
  4. TBC – always a calminng (albeit slightly masochistic) presence
  5. Gurly and Squiggy.  Pleasure to meet you both and strong work today!  Come back and spread the word to the Green. 
  6. Tucker (D1) – proud of you for coming out despite family obligations.  He's already asking what's on the slate for tomorrow.  

Ruck Extra Credit:  Burns, Jolly, Bagboy, Cap'n , TBC