Assume the Position On the Field

FNG is Baller who apparently is a Kotter – Welcome back brother. 10 Men emerged on a perfect morning for a beat down Estate Style. 



25 x  IC SSHs

15 x  Cotton Pickers 

20 x 4 count hold squats

20 x Mtn climbers

Smoke Your Shoulders

10 x ISW

10 x StormTroopers

Grab the props and pint me to the baseball field. Not knowing the AO I did see on google maps there was a baseball field so I decided to KISS and make a baseball theme workout. Was a little worriedd about the potential of rain but don't fret, I was prepared with water proof playing  cards. I cover off the instructions and we are ready to play ball.  

With a full deck of 52 plus 2 jokers we make our way through Round 1 and Round 2. Draw the card and follow the instruction sheet. Face Cards do the exercise in place, Jokers run flagpole to flagpole and the rest is on the sheet at the positon on the field.  Partner up


Baseball Positions 

1 – Pitcher 2 – catcher 3 – 1st base 4 – 2nd base 5 – 3rd base 6 – ShortStop 7- Left Field 8 – Center Field 9 – Right Field 

Round 1 – Partner up, draw a card and do the work  

ACE (1) – Bear crawl to pitcher’s mound and back

2 – Perform exercise in place plus 10 Burpees

Hearts – Dips x number on card 4 Counts at position on field

Diamonds – Diamond Merkins x number on card 4 Counts at position on field

Spades – Arms extended low flutters x number on card 4 Counts at position on field

Clubs – WWIs x # on card at position on field

10 – Run bases backwards

Round 2 – Partner up, draw a card and do the work 

ACE (1) –Crawl Bear to pitcher’s mound and back

2 – Perform exercise in place plus 10 Burpees

Hearts – Arms extended low dolly x number on card 4 Counts at position on field

Diamonds –Merkins x number on card 4 Counts at position on field

Spades – Full squats x number on card 4 Counts at position on field

Clubs – reverse lunges each leg x # on card at position on field

10 – Run bases backwards

Round 3  A lttle time was left so we drew a few cards for a third round as a full PAX. Yada Yada Yada


15 x IC LBCs

10 x IC E2Ks (pretzle)

10 x IC arms extended Low Dollys , LEGS UP, 10 x IC arms out Low Flutters, LEGS UP, 10 x IC arms out Low Flutters


2 Peter 2:19b

 – For "People are slaves to whatever has mastered them"

COT and prayed us out


 – Thanks for the guest Q invite Turnpike … really only a couple miles from home AO. Drive past the eyesore nuclear station and come visit our side of the lake soon 

– Tantrum and Baller draw all 4 Jokers #CallingBS

– Fairly certain Crawdad and I drew most of the 2s , Baller and Crawdad get extra credit on the way back to the AO.

– Time flew by on this one as recognized by the PAX. Good 2nd F while getting your 1st F in.  I honestly thought this would tougher than it was but that is what a partner work out does for you. We did the work !!

– Great group of guys and enjoyed the bagels, coffee not so much