At Berean I only wanna be with you

10 hard-chargers sallied out in the soup.  

Fresh off a week full of Mike’s Hard Lemonade and Oreos, Blackbeard attempted the ol’ Blackbeard Mind Freak by requesting a street light boogie, but he was wearing gloves (as was Thug) so I just assumed he was reverse-psyching me in hopes of heading for the rock pile over the bridge, which was, in fact, what occurred.

Soprano and Blackbae ably represented the “suns out guns out” coalition with a glistening display of gunnery.

Hall Monitor appeared at Berean. He opined that it was unhealthy to do a run in temps greater than 75 degrees on the Farenheit scale.  During the Monday Morning Quarterbacking he spiritually enlightened the entire group by comparing our beloved priest to Matt Foley, motivational speaker, while YHC gave a moving presentation about Jesus and His disciples being tossed by the waves.  Chilly Willy reported in on the Transfiguration which is our first 5-syllable word of the week and translates to Radiation Jesus.  Needless to say the theological horsepower at Berean is significant. 

Speaking of Chilly Willy, he is leaning out in preparation for a completely flat marathon, and Possum was so fast he kept right on running out of the AO at the end of the workout just like Forrest Gump ran out of the stadium.  Bank deadlines or some such nonsense. 

Kid Rock arrived in “better late than never” fashion, and then complained that there was no warm up.  That’s my little brother for ya. 

Einstein is going to teach YHC to fish.  Strom is going to eat the fish (with a cold Miller Lite).

We ran, we lifted, we stretched.  We complained. We laughed.  We cried.  We did the Birkdale Tour de Step.  Hall Monitor opined that Dylan may be past his prime, but let me quote the great Hootie and the Blowfish (with whom YHC may or may not have a close personal and professional relationship) about you fools:

You can call me your fool
Only wanna be with you

Rock on ya filthy animals.

Goat sends.