At least 2 pax are missing body parts

11 men chose discomfort this morning. Here is their story:


We took our bells to the very bottom of the parking deck and the we did indeed do some warmup

The Thang

First evolution

  • KB Curls 15X IC, take the stairs to the top deck, Merkins 15X IC
  • KB Curls 15X IC, take the stairs to the top deck, 5 fast burpees OYO
  • KB Curls 20X IC, take the stairs to the top deck, Merkins 15X IC

Second evolution

  • KB Skullcrushers 15X IC, sprint 1 ramp, Jump Squats 15X OYO
  • KB Skullcrushers 15X IC, sprint 2 ramps, Bonnie Blairs 10X OYO
  • KB Skullcrushers 15X IC, sprint 3 ramps, Pulls ups 10X OYO & 5 fast burpees OYO

Third evolution

  • KB Shoulder press 15X IC, take the stairs to the top deck, CDD 10X IC
  • KB Shoulder press 15X IC, take the stairs to the next to top deck, hold your balls to the wall
  • KB Shoulder press 20X IC, take the stairs to the top deck, 5 fast burpees OYO

Finish off with Mary: Hold your banana, LBCs, pretzel crunch, hold your banana, long plank


  • Toxic sure climbs stairs fast for a man with half a colon.
  • The Force sure can’t jump high for a man with half a finger.
  • Baller complained minimally.
  • Unless I missed it, this is the first workout I’ve ever had with Amen where I didn’t feel an earth shaking ass belch.
  • Frogger mumblechattered, but not as much as normal.
  • Ultraman played choose-your-own-adventure with KB weight.
  • Peart has saweeeet goals for 2023. Quarter ruck + 10k (you all now gotta join quarter ruck this year to see him crush it).
  • Bijoux, Die Hard, and Rocket all quietly put in the work.
  • Noticeably absent was Gambini who “couldn’t find his keys”. But what’s Hotwax’s excuse?

Seriously though, it was a blast, coffeeteria was great, and thanks so much for the opportunity to lead!