At least you’re not running!

13 Pax showed up (including one FNG and some fellow PAX from Davidson) to put in some work on a mild summer morning.  YHC, 98 degrees, Black Eyed Pea, Snake Eyes and Tantrum thought we were tough completing the Double Down from Excelsior, until we realizezd Turnpike blew us out of the water completing the TRIPLE DOWN starting with river rat 10k.  Hats off to you Turnpike.

YHC challenged the pax to complete an hours workout in 45 minutes and leave some time for fun and games, and the PAX stepped up to the challange bigtime!  After Excelsior YHC was over the running, so stuck to the heavy lifting.

After a quick warmup lap starting at 0700 SHARP, we circled up for disclaimer and warmup consisting of:
SSH x15 IC, IST x15 IC, Toy Soldier x15 IC, Carrot Puller x10 IC, Slow Windmill x8 IC, Arm Circles of various size and direction, 'Mericans x8 IC and Squats x8 IC.

After we were good and warm, PAX split into pairs and grabbed three blocks per pair (had to supplement with some rocks due to the good turnout). We proceeded with some grueling Dora as follows:
ROUND ONE: Traveling Partner farmer carrys 2 blocks across parking lot doing 5 inclined block 'Mericans at the far side before returning.  Stationary partner works on: 50 Shoulder press, 100 Squats (w/ block), 150 LBCs.
ROUND TWO: Traveling Partner zamporini carries single block across parking lot and back.  Stationary partner stacks 2 blocks vertically and works on: 75 Chuck Noris's (Roundhouse kicks over stacked blocks) and 150 Low flutters w/ block press.

After two rounds of DORA we came back together as a team to finish strong with:
Rocky Balboas x50, Dips x10 IC, lung walk across lot, curb 'Mericans x10 IC, Lunge walk back,
Rocky Balboas x30, Curls x10 IC, side suffle across lot, curb 'Mericans x10 IC, side suffle back.  
Shoulder press x10 IC, Dips x10 IC, Dead lifts x10 IC, quadraphelia across lot, curb 'Mericans x10 IC, quadraphelia back, curls x10 IC.  

MARY: Circled up for 10 min of rapid fire Mary consisting of:
Crunchy Frog x10 IC, Slow count 'Mericans x10, heals to heaven x10 IC, pretzel crunch x10 each leg IC, regular 'Mericans x8 IC, low flutter x20 IC.

FUN & GAMES: After conquering everything YHC could think of throwing at them, the PAX earned some fun in the form of Ultimate Frisbee.  The PAX must have coordinated outfits because surprisingly other than a couple outliers, all PAX were wearing either Red or Blue shirts, making the Red vs. Blue split fairly simple.  The field was slick but we had a good game.  Red jumped out to an early lead but the Blue team had a quick march down the field at the buzzer to take the match.

MOLESKIN:   Several PAX met up after the workout at NY Bagel (whose health score is back above 90 for those concerned, 96 i believe, almost getting too clean!) for some second F. All in all it was a great start to the morning and the weekend!  Pleasure to meet some new faces.

