At what age is hip-replacement a good option?

13 bi-peds and one canine showed in the 'gloom' of a beautiful Monday morning.  The Q was trying to hide the fact that he was still having trouble getting around after Friday night's 13.1 mile ruck.  Turns out that exercise actually helps gets some of the pain and soreness out of you.  Who knew?


10          IC           SSH

10          IC           MC       

10          IC           Cotton Pickers

10          IC           Merkins

10          IC           Squats


Mosey to flagpole.  Split into As and Bs

Team A: run a lap around short loop at about 80% speed

Team B: plank at the finish line


REPEATO every 30 seconds or so for a total of 10 laps each


Mosey around the short walls

15 step-ups each leg

10 IC Decline Merkins


Mosey to loading dock area

Team A – wall sits with air presses

Team B – bear crawl to the dock, crawl bear back



Mosey to rock pile, grab a lifting rock

10 Burpees from Hell (BFH) (Closer’s Burpees)

– Begin with your rock on the ground

– Drop to ‘merkin position and perform one push-up

– While still in plank, perform a 4-count Mountain Climber

– Jump forward into standing position, pick up your rock on the way up

– Perform one squat with your rock

– Perform one overhead press with your rock

– Put your rock down

– Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary


Mosey to down-under bars

Team A: 10 angel wings with Team B holding legs, swap


Return to start BUT…

Team A run to sidewalk and back while Team B bear crawls toward the launch pad, once you reach a Team B member, swap and repeato as necessary until we reach the stairs.




10 IC Low Flutter

10 IC WWI Situps

10 IC Freddie Mercury

10 IC Dr. W



Try to remember that, as you woke up this morning, someone – elsewhere – was taking their last breath.  Don’t waste this day that God has given you.


Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.



– This workout was almost a carbon-copy of one YHC Q'd back in November.  I guess creativity was limited during the season finale of The Walking Dead.  (as a side note: if you look at the backblast from that day you might notice that someone inserted the '1-second sphincter release' into the 6MOM during that workout too.  I won't mention any names but his dog joined in too!)

– No idea if the Lambeau in the LKN PAX is Cutler or not but I tagged him anyway.

– Might need to find a new race track for the short laps.  The speedy-dry in Turn 4 makes for a treacherous situation, especially if you're already loose.

– Q truly wasn't sure what he was going to be able to do for a workout and even thought of having someone else hold his Weinke #IfYouCantDoIt-Don'tQ_It  #NoClipboardQsAllowed

– Great to see Nittany getting back into the swing.  We've missed you, brother!

– As always, I am honored to be allowed to lead and I am privileged to call you my brothers.