Attacked by weight carrying ants

Event Date

Mar 07, 2024


YHC was thinking of the plan as he drove through the foggy morning. Who would show, would the plan work? What was that large vehicle at the far end of the parking lot? All of these questions would be answered shortly.


Mosey to the top of the parking lot serpentine style with Karaoke L/R, quadraphelia, and regular.


Slow Windmill 10 IC

Dwight Shrutes 10 IC


Toy Soldier 10 IC

The Good Morning Burpee

The Thang

Grab a block and line up in a straight line for the Block Native American Carry around the parking lot. Each Pax did a Farmer Carry or walking Curls, while the Pax at the back would Zamperini to the front. There were some fast Zamperiniers today. We recovered with the same lap without the blocks. It was so much easier. 

Back to the top of the parking lot for a horrible ladder of pull-ups and curls. The curls were a relief from the pull-ups. They flat out hurt. YHC thought it would be better to start with 10 pull-ups and work down, then with 1 and work up. Either way it was painful. The sequence was 10/1, 9/2, 8/3… After that was done, we did a static bar hold for a recovery. That too was very difficult. To give the Pax a break we did 15 Block Squats followed by 15 Block Swings. Then it was time to put the blocks back.

We moseyed to the wall for some wall sits. This was followed by Praying Mantis, and then the walk down the wall from a forward leaning rest. Once at the bottom we did alternating wall touches, and Snake Eyes called Shoulder Touch Mericans (of course), than walk your hands back up the wall.

We moseyed to the courtyard for Mary. We began with Glute Bridges, then alternating L/R Glute Bridges, followed by knee pulls and spinal twist. We finished with the get off the ground challenge. Simply sit on the ground and get up without using your hands. This is an indicator of longevity apparently. Based on today’s performance these Pax will be around for a while. 


The Force was a victim of a weight vest shift. He did his GM Burpee, and when he jumped into the squat his plate moved up and hit him in the head. That was it for the weight vest. He too fought through the pain and finished the workout. Strong tolerance for pain brother.

Tammy Faye has dropped a block worth of weight from the 75 Hard and it shows in the ease with which he completed the workout. Strong work brother.

POS had the most creative and efficient method of standing from sitting, with a roll to a kneel and stand from there. Great creativity brother.

Bob Ross was the stealthiest Pax today, avoiding all the calamities while crushing the workout. He also took us out beautifully at COT. Great work today brother.

Snake Eyes was the recipient of the man vs. Animal award as he was attacked viciously by ants either at the pull-up bars or from his block. Either way he kicked their butts and continued on with the workout. Strong resolve brother.

Prayers for Crab Legs, The Force’s mom, Happy Gilmore’s sister, Talking Heads’ family, my parents, and all the unspoken prayers.

Until Next Time I SYITG