Audible at Mighty Oak

First things first, it is delightful to have the website NOT blocked again at BofA!!  Please don't tell Sweet C, as he might ruin it for us again by trying to upload some sort of inappropriate picture, and getting it blocked again.

FNG-1 = Daniel, a neighbor of Blackbeard.  Normally here we'd say "Come on back and get your F3 Name"!  But really, he's not going to read this.  Perhaps we SHOULD say, "Blackbeard, bring that nice fellow Daniel back for a second post so we can name him". 

Yesterday on Slack I asked Mr. Burns what an appropriate number of hill repeats on "Travolta Hill" was.  To my surprise, he said 6!  Was planning on some hill work there, but didn't know where it was.  Also, 6 seemed a little high, the MQ runs a tight ship here apparently.  Here is roughly how it went down today:

0455:  Checking on the number of cinder blocks in case we had to audible from "Hill Repeats".  Darn, only 6…and a bunch of broken ones.

0500:  A 2+ mile run standard with 10 strong runners, including Jedi, Red October, Mr. Burns, Dallas, Calypso, Amen, Blackbeard, Omar, Funky Town, and YHC.  Believe that is accurate, chime in if not.  So, we ran to Travolta Hill to check it out.  Frankly, YHC thought the route was kind of boring.  Was thinking about an audible strongly at this point…

0530:  Indeed, plenty of strong young dudes showed up.  The soccer arms idea of hill repeats was not a good one.  So we audibled to some cinder block work.

0530:  Mosey around the parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.

Quick disclaimer.



  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC


  • Little baby arm circles (LBAC) forward x 15 IC (and keep arms at 90 degrees until told otherwise)
  • Overhead claps x 15 IC
  • Dirty Bird x 15 IC (downward claps)
  • Air presses x 15 IC
  • LBAC backwards x 15 IC, arms down

The Thing:

Get into teams of 3.  There was 1 team with 4 as we had 19 PAX.

  • Partners 1 / 2:  Wheelbarrow walk
  • Partner 3:  Lunge walk
  • Switch until everyone has done all above, the length of the school

Grab 1 cinder block per team:

  • P1:  Zamporini carry from the blacktop start to the 3rd basket
  • P2 / 3:  Plank
  • Flip flop until all completed above.
  • P1:  Push the block across the ground to the 3rd hoop
  • P2 / 3:  Hold the Al Gore position
  • Flip flop until all completed above.
  • P1:  Jump over your block AMRAP
  • P2 / 3:  Sprint to the 4th hoop and back
  • Flip flop until all completed above.

Zamporini carry block to the playground.  Each team then did:

  • 50 block swings
  • 25 pull-ups

Sorry, math error.  For a team of 3, that was quick!  So we did:

  • 100 block swings
  • 50 knee-ups

Then we ran a lap around the painted track, backwards.

Zamporini carry block and put them away.


  • Elbow plank x 60 seconds.  Right arm up, Left arm up, for 15 seconds each.
  • JLOs x 15 IC courtesy of resident expert Amen
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • Double time to my car for my phone, which proved pointless because technology is hard for me.

Recover, recover.  We covered 1.30 miles according to my Garmin watch.


  1. Prayers to all our PAX about to complete the Heavy Heavy.  Ramrod was present today, and that young man looks ready!
  2. Prayers for Frogger, who recently tweaked something on a run.
  3. Look for more details about F3 Dad's Camp, and a Daddy Daughter Date night (May 19), on the website.
  4. A hearty welcome to FNG Daniel !  Blackbeard we'd love to have him back.  Saw him bent over, but heard from Jedi and other clever jokesters that maybe he just had the wind knocked out of him.
  5. Travolta Hill, meh.  Maybe next time?
  6. Dallas rolled in hot for The Standard but at least his shoes were on and he was ready to go.
  7. Over Budget mentioned the block pushing puts bigger guys at a disadvantage.  Well now you know how a scrawny guy feels at Blender next to a strong dude like you!
  8. Mr. Burns, thank you for the opportunity to lead.  Impressed with the effort from everyone today and would like to come back and get to know some of the regulars better.  Admittedly, YHC has spent many Wednesdays at HalfLife.

Have a great week all,
