Mosey and flyby to The Berean’s crew. We did some high knees, Butt Kicker, Carioca. What’s up Jazzhands. No chest bump this morning. Maybe next time.Warm up:30x SSH, x20 Windmill, x10 each Front/Up Seal Clap. Omega just found out we’re going to do some upper body workout.The THANG:Round ONEOYO 20x Kettle Bell SwingIC 10x One arm shoulder press, flip flopIC 10x SquatPut down KB. We have different sizes of KB from 25-44 lbs. NOTE- not in order. Sorry but NOT sorry.Move 2 to your right sideRound TWOOYO 25x KBS. lot’s of moaning, complain. Who’s the lucky pax to grab 44lbs KB? I think Uncle Rico wants his KB back.IC 15x Shoulder pressIC 10x SquatsPut down KB. Move 4 to your rightRound THREE. I think Primo said Audible, YHC said “NO”OYO 30x KBSIC. 10x each one arm shoulder pressIC. 10x SquatsPartner up. We did the followingRound 1P1 do CCD total x50 P2 KB Farmers Carry to 1st light post. Flap jackRound 2 P1 Jump Squats x100P2 KB Zamperini to 2nd light post. Flap jackRound 3 P1 KB Merkin x150P2 Quadraphelia to 3rd light post. Flap jackEach pax do side shuffle drill on parking lot lane then do the followingRound ONE10x Kettlebell Swing, Side shuffle drill20x KBS, side shuffle drill30x KBS, side shuffle drillRound TWOForward Bear Crawl then backward bear crawl10x Low flutter kicks/KB chest pressFBC, BBC20x Low flutter kicks/KB chest pressFBC, BBC30x Low flutter kicks/KB chest pressMARY:20x Russian Twist OYO20x WWII SIT UP10x Peter Parker10x Parker Peter15x JLo then 614Elbow Plank until 615. Recover x2Thank you for coming out.Heal up Gnarly Goat (knee) and Pegleg’s ankle last week at FissionNext Monday Uncle Rico has da Q. Be ready. Spare thank you for taken us on prayerAlways an honor to lead the men of F3YHC legs, hamstring sore from Mighty Jungle so we did upper body workout and Omega just happened to preblast an upper body workout so there you go. Omega – Thank you for your leadership and Thank you for opportunity to Q #MMMUntil next time