Auto Takes a Detour at FKT

Event Date

Jul 05, 2022


9 crazies met in the depths of the Birkdale swamp for a #TreeHugger inspired beatdown.  Don Ho's watch said 3.3 miles, but we did a few broad jump burpees, so let's say ~3.5 miles. 

Auto saw the ensuing torture and bailed for more miles.  He detoured most of the beatdown, but resurfaced for the jail break back to home base. 

Run to trail behind Regal Birkdale

50 yard RUN up the hill

40 yard Broad Jump Burpee

Mosey to theater wall

30 Donkey Kicks

Mosey to Brixx

20 merkins

Mosey to Victoria Secret 

10 monkey humpers

Run back to bottom of trail 


1.  YHC modified minus 10 yards on the BJB's.  Don Ho noticed and Kosar and YHC were stripped from the virtual trophy.  Q fail on my part.  

2.  Don Ho and Auto for EC 2 miles.  

3.  Memo and Twighlight partnered up and crushed it. 

4.  Stray and Ramrod locked shields.  Aye good push men.


5.  Mr. Holland showed me the donkey kicks on Regal back on an Emmaus beatdown months ago.  It was hotter today and Holland (like most of us) were #Chipoendale by the 2nd or 3rd revolutuon. 

6.  Kosar may still be laying on the pavement in front of Jason's Deli.  He was the rabbit today.  Aye.  

Sign Up for Operation Sweet Tooth 8k today! 9/17 


Cherry Bomb and Jazz Hands for coffeterria.  


Aye Scrappy