Avoiding a swift water rescue at Odyssey

11 runners showed for what was a relativly rain free 6 mileish run. FNG is Kip (not on the website)

The plan was to take the greenway over towards Lake Forest Chruch for a Foundry flyby, that was until we came upon a large portion of the greenway underwater. I guess after the 187th consective day of rain it should've been expected. We remembered to "Turn around don't drown your running shoes are not a boat" – So we rerouted up through the Cederfield neighborhood and looped back through the Business Park to avoid any swift water rescues. Thanks to Turncoat/Primetime running up front on calling the route audible. 

Wet Feet Moleskin:
PrimeTime, Kip and Mac & Cheese looked dialed in for the Myrtle Beach Marathon next week – You guys will crush it!
TBone was a little upset his new Nikes got wet – I think yours faired better this week than Zion's
Turncoat and Garcia got pre miles in as the weeks are ticking down to Boston
Mayhem is logging some solid miles as he is now running the BB&T Corporate Cup half in a few weeks