22 of F3RaceCityUSA's finest (or their substitutes) showed en masse for a balmy Saturday beatdown. It went something like this;


Jog around an island doing high knees, butt kickers, carry-over/karaoke/whatever 

SSH, IST, toy soldiers, mountain climbers, mericans all in cadence

Jog towards lower parking lot and noticed a nice hill which became…

Thang 1;

partner up, first partner starts 100 squats while partner 2 runs up the hill for 3 burpees and back, switch and keep going. 200 mericans, and 300 lunges came up next

Eventually completed all lunges and continued towards lower parking area stopping to select a rock that your little brother would struggle with (some PAX appear to have smaller little brothers than others, but size doesn't matter right?). head to lower parking lot for…

Thang 2;

Circle up, go around the circle with one PAX stepping to the middle to do perfect form CDD's while the PAX performed the exercise of his choice. Mumblechatter ensued about the poor form of some, the uninvited eye contact with others while in a compromising position, etc… Mailman reminded us how much he loves burpees or at least making everyone else do them while he does something else.

2nd round repeato but with squats to avoid any compromising positions, etc… until stacking rocks and heading back to the middle parking lot for…


W, WWII, Hummer led sitouts, Lear led LBC (82 of them!) all in cadence.


– WD – Lear, WB – Red Devil?

– Interest is being gauged for a "FreedToBleed" F3 Nation blood drive in our area. We will continue to gaher details and will need to find a location willing to let us use it.

