Two ways to avoid Monday Runday beat down, stay in the sack or grab the Q from Clark who was a late show!
Warm Up
We did: arm rotations, TS, ST, WM, CP, MC, Up/D Dog, SS. To stairs for calf raises and “Stairway to 11.”
Main Event
Mosey around lot with stops for: squats, burpees, more squats, MH, dips, lunge walk, step ups, 3 sets of pull ups on Aussie Bars. Mosey to rock pile. You pick your poison. Did curls, press, SC, dead lift and squats. Did total of 200 squats to keep all on pace for ‘5000’ in February. Return your favorite rock and mosey to launch pad.
flutter kicks and pretzel crunch.
Reflection: 1 Timothy 4:15-16. “Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Preserve in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”
Praise for Travolta’s surprise family reunion! Prayers for Travolta’s friend who suffered fall. Prayers for y sisters Paula and Phyllis.
Pleasure to lead!