FNG-1 is Mailman's 2.0


  • Run to the back of the building , ½ way there do 5 hand release
    burpees, run to the end of the building mixing in high knees and butt
    kickers….several slurs were thrown about not following the normal warmup process;
    all were ignored

  • SSH x 15

  • IST x 15

  • Toy Solder (Deep End demonstrated the proper form) x 15

  • Plantain pullers (in honor of Banana Peels attendance)

The Thang

Doracide: 100 Jump squats / 200 lunges / 300 squats

  • Partner 1 does the exercise while partner 2 runs to the first second set of stairs and does a burpee, Partner 2 runs back to the start and then runs to the 3rd set of stairs and does two burpees and then runs back to the start and the partners switch

Normal Dora: 100 Shambalas / 200 skull crushers / 300 bicep curls


LBC x 25

Pretzel crunch x 15 each leg

Recover, recover


  • According to Garmin, we did a little over 2 miles of running.
  • There was a lot of complaining about the running, leg and arm work.  I care about your fitness, which was evident in the thoughtfully choreographed Q.

  • YHC has an early inflection problem and needs to go to Q school – I’ll put those on my to do list.

  • Thank you, Cheezy for giving me the keys.

  • As always, an honor to lead the fine group of F3RCUSA men.
