Additional Pax that posted but are not registered on this site: LB, Wirley, Hulka (sp?), Puddin, Tin Man, Depends, Nature Boy, Snookie, Buckner, Hansel.  (Also, don't know if I got the correct Play-Doh or if it was Plato that posted…)

30 F3'ers posted to put their Can Do spirit into action for the morning's beatdown from the Q who was only supposed to be a back-up if needed (and was thinking Monday of notifying the A Q that I wouldn't even be there due to workload…)


SSH, IST, Mountain Climbers, Mercans, Squats, Alt. Lunge, Cotton Picker, Leg & Arm Stretches.


Mosey to DUMC, grab a paver & circle up.

Overhead Press x20 IC;
Skull Crusher x20 IC;
Curls x20 IC:
Bentover Row x20 IC;
Lat Raises x15 IC:
Run 1 lap around parking lot.


Overhead Press x15 IC;
Skull Crusher x15 IC;
Curls x15 IC:
Bentover Row x15 IC;
Lat Raises x10 IC:
?Run 1 lap around parking lot.


Overhead Press x10 IC;
Skull Crusher x10 IC;
Curls x10 IC:
Bentover Row x10 IC;
Lat Raises x5 IC:
?Run 1 lap around parking lot.

WWII Sit-Ups w/ Paver x15 IC:
Lying Press w/ Low Flutter x20 IC:
Squat w/ Paver x10 IC

Put up the Pavers, Grab 2 Bricks & circle back up

Up & Out x15 IC;
Ear Crushers x15IC;
Kick Outs x15 IC;
CCD on Bricks x15IC;
Lying Fly x20IC

REPEATO (sort of):

Up & Out x10 IC;
Ear Crushers x10IC;
Kick Outs x10 IC;
CCD on Bricks x10IC;
Peter Parker on Bricks x10IC;
Lying Fly w/ Low Flutter x20IC

Put 'em up & Head Back to the Green for Mary:

LBC, W, Heels to Heaven, Heel Touch, Right elbow to Left Knee, Left Elbow to Right Knee, J-Low.

The question came in Monday afternoon as to whether I, as the B Q for Tuesday morning could take the lead for the whole workout since the A Q was sick.  I took in in stride with my ridiculous workload and thought why the heck not add one more thing to my plate for the balance of the day.

The two-fold result ended up being a less creative workout that I typically strive for with simple repetition of some of our basic exercises AND an unexpectedly inspiring accomplishment by it coming together, going smoothly (except for losing my paver grip at the end of the first set of lat raises) and all the PAX doing such a great job getting through all the reps!  As a personal bonus, it ended up being the perfect Tu workout for focusing on upper body and giving my Palmetto training legs a rest between Monday and Wednesday runs!  

I love the Davidson AO and continually increase my admiration for the Davidson PAX with everyone's Can Do spirit of getting up, getting to the workouts & getting though the workouts!  As it's often said, if you can get through these 45 minutes, most other things in your day should be a breeze and, 6:15am is the best time of the day – sure was for me on Tuesday!