
Football season is upon us!  The Panthers are back in Spartanburg, Dabo and the Tigers are soon to assemble in God's Country, and NC high schools will start practice Monday.  In honor of this glorious time of year twenty-three men came out for Tater's Training Camp (above plus Ghirardelli, Riptide, Fry Daddy, Zamboni, three FNGs, and two of my 2.0s – Crazy Legs and Dreads, a/k/a the Tater Tots).  YHC pulled out a whistle for the occasion but did not go with coach's shorts.

Warmup on the Green

  • SSH x 20 IC, Merkin x 10 IC, Squat x 10 IC
  • SSH x 20 IC, Merkin x 10 IC, Squat x 10 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Stretching

Divided the group roughly into two groups and headed to the lower field at LKNC.

1. Grass Drills

  • The Pax lined up along the goal line of the field
    • Carolina Dry Dock x 10 IC, Alternating Lunge x 10 IC, LBC x 10 IC, Superman x 3-5
    • After a few Supermans (Supermen?) YHC blew the whistle for the PAX to jump up and sprint to the far end of the field.
    • During the sprint, YHC blew the whistle 2-4 times for the PAX to dive on the ground, hop back up, and resume sprinting.
  • Repeat seven times.  Before the odd sets complete the above four exercises.  For the evens we did Shoulder Taps x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC, Low Flutter x 10 IC, Superman.

2. Hills

  • Gather at the base of the hill
  • Ten push ups, crawl up the hill, sprint to the picnic tables for 10 dips, mosey back to the bottom of the hill
  • Repeat four times

3. Wall and Mary

  • Group B started on the wall with Group A in the parking lot
  • Group A did Heels to Heaven x 15 IC, Jane Fonda (right) x 10 IC, Mason Twist x 15 IC, Jane Fonda (left) x 10 IC
  • While the As were doing ab work the Bs alternated between People's Chair and Balls to the Wall
  • Switch As and Bs and repeat

4. Sanbags at DUMC

  • Round 1: Squat Press x 10 IC, Curls x 10 IC, Skulls Crushers x 10 IC, Chest Press x 10 IC, Heels to Heaven x 10 IC (while the As did H2H the Bs held their bags over their heads.  Switch and repeat.)
  • Round 2: Squat Press x 10 IC, Curls x 10 IC, Skulls Crushers x 10 IC, Chest Press x 10 IC, Mason Twist x 10 IC (alternate between bags over head for MT like aboive)
  • Round 3: Squat Press x 10 IC, Curls x 10 IC, Skulls Crushers x 10 IC, Chest Press x 25 IC
  • Put 'em up and head back to the Green


It was great to have three FNGs join us today (Trey Akers, Michael Baker, Charlie Harrell)!  Great work guys – hope to see you regularly!  Prayer requests included Scrum and Little W's wife.