Baby Giraffe

Event Date

Mar 22, 2021

3 men showed up to be transformed into baby giraffes. This workout was guaranteed to make one lean how to walk all over again. 



Cherry picker IC 10

Windmill IC 10

Runners Lunge

The Thang: 

1.2 mile book end mosey. Alternating leg exercise with some man maker merkins, decline merkins, and merkin regular  

Leg exercises 


  1. Reverse lunge twist
  2. Bear crawl jacks
  3. Lunge pulse 
  4. Jump squat
  5. Fast feet 
  6. Bench step ups
  7. Lateral lunge 
  8. One leg toe touch – straight leg
  9. Laying down – one leg lift
  10. Side leg lift



no time



Enjoyed some good chatter with these boys this AM.

Slow headed to SC for the vaccine action. 
Pinky wishing he was in CO skiing with the kids. 
Surf recovering from a 2 year old bday party. 
All wishing they were on the lake. 
An honor to lead. Prayers raised for Lennie's some with heart issue.