Back & Forth with Ups & Downs

12 Pax including two returning FNG's (Puddle and Trickle) got better today with the opportunity to "Push It" real good.  Here's how it happened:



Windmills  9IC

Burpee Mt. Climbers (HUGE Q fail as this did not work at ALL)  so Burpees OYO x9

Arms circles

Football Drill (in-place high knees and hit the deck on Q's call)

Q decides to challenge "Sally" with a little "Salt-n-Pepa".  Pax holds plank and performs a push-up on each "Push It".  All in all a quiet start, but gradually the MC builds in until the finish.  Roughly 4 minutes and approximately 45 push-ups later, the MC was traded off for some groaning.  Thank you Salt-n-Pepa for making the 80's so much fun, and for a song that will be stuck in our heads ALL DAY!!!

The Thang:

Partner up as 1's and 2's.  1's retrieve blocks while 2's LBC (was gonna call Plank, but……)

Gather up at lower end of parking lot with partner and blocks for some suicide fun. 

Round 1:           Partner sit-ups (lock feet and sit-up together) for total of 14

                        1's suicide while 2's LBC

About this time the Partner Law for gaseous releases was established.  Thanks Double Check for laying it down, the Law that is.

                        Partner sit-ups (x14)

                        2's suicide while 1's LBC


Round 2:           Partner Patty Cake push-ups (Plank while facing, push-up and at top partner hand clap alternating hands each time) for a total of 9

                        1's suicide while 2's alternating "T" plank

                        Partner Patty Cake push-ups (x9)

                        2's suicide while 1's "T" plank


Round 3:           Partner Back-to-Back block pass (standing back to back, pass 33# block to each other for 5 complete circles in each direction)

                        1's suicide while 2's block curl

                        Partner B-to-B block pass for 5 circles in each direction

                        2's suicide while 1's block curl


Round 4:           Partner Squat Block pass (standing face to face with one Pax holding block, squat together and at top pass block to partner, squat together, pass the block, etc.. for  9IC)

                        1's suicide while 2's squat (block squat or squat thrusters with block, Pax choice)

                        Partner Squat Block pass (x9 IC)

                        2's suicide while 1's squat


Round 5:           Repeato of Round 2


Round 6:           Block-o-cides (1's mosey to far end of lot and hold plank while 2's carry block to 1st line and set it down.  Run to beginning then back to move block to 2nd line and set it down. Run to beginning then back to move block to 3rd line then run to beginning.  Once 2's back they hold plank while 1's progressively move blocks back in suicide fashion)

2's return blocks to storage location while 1's LBC (or stargaze)

Circle up (far, far, far away from the area previously occupied by the 1's) to finish off the arms before 6MOM:

"T" plank push-ups  x5 IC

Wide push-ups  x5

Tri-cep push-ups  x5

Diamond push-ups  x4



Bicycles  x14IC

Low flutters  x9IC

Low Dollies  x14IC

In's & Out's

Low plank Peter Parkers  x9IC

Mason Twist


Reflection and COT:

Romans 5:1-8 NIV

            "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.  And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

            You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Inspiration for this workout (the counts:  5, 9, 14 and 109 push-ups but also the pain)  was gathered from the perseverance, character and hope that my niece (Khaleda) is showing at this time.  Despite the odds and unknowns with her current state, she and her mom & dad (Bullseye) are persevering by hope through their faith.  Truly God's hand is in every aspect of this journey; in the good, the bad, the unknown.  These all produce something fruitful, we just have to have faith and hope to recognize it and/or its effects on the world around us. 



Many prayers and thoughts to BJ and his family for comfort and grace during this difficult time.

Great effort by everyone, I believe we all got a little bit better this morning.  Keep up the great work, spring will be here soon and it will be time to really shed those winter pounds.

Had a good sized crowd this morning.  Still missing a few of you guys.  So just in case you forgot; we meet 0530 Tuesday & Thursday and 0700 on Saturday at 4100 Crepe Ridge Dr.

Not sure who all (besides myself) brought the stink bombs this morning, but a little breeze would have been nice.

Thanks to the Pax for working through the multiple Q fails.  Burpee Mt. Climbers, not a good idea….

It was an honor to be led by you guys this morning, I am sure I missed some good stuff so sound off in the comments.
