Back From the Dead

FNG-1 = Hugo, a fellow Wynfield neighbor (more in Moleskin below)

Ghost no more! I'm back in the flesh at Fartlek. Here's what happened.


Launch from clubhouse at precisely 0530 0531.

A lot of Hville Half runners in this group so let's go get some Hardcore Hill. After one loop on the hill, head to gladiator. Don't disrupt their workout! (We made sure to disrupt their workout.) Head back through the traffic circle up to La Unica, and back home including one more lovely trip up Hardcore Hill.

Return to clubhouse at precisely 0615 0621. Nearly 5.5mi at fellowship pace.


  • Enron gets Q credit since he gave me credit for ghost Q last week.
  • Cousin Eddie and Tugs left everyone in the dust.
  • Jaws is anti-marathon.
  • Frogger is still "hurt" but sure don't run like it.
  • Jorel is late but worth the wait.
  • Crabby and Ultramen quitely lit our path with their spacesuits.
  • Slingshot and Die Hard were silent killers.
  • Turnpike is still afraid of ghosts.
  • The Count's face is visible for the first time in about a year. But he's mercilessly growing back his beard for Movember.
  • I asked FNG Hugo a bunch of times before the run for his comfortable pace and distance. He kept it close to his vest, maintaining that he's good with whatever and he'll keep up. And keep up he did with seeming ease! We've all been there. It takes some guts to be the mysterious new guy amongst a group of boisterous PAX. He fit right in and we look forward to seeing him soon!

We prayed that we be blessed with some important virtues:

  • Wisdom – knowing what is right
  • Self Control – doing what is right despite oneself
  • Courage – doing what is right despite the world
  • Justice – holding oneself and others accountable for what is right

Thank you so much to MQ Crab Legs and to all PAX who posted for the opportunity to lead!