Back in the box

12 strong today newbies brought in by Red Rider his son Gentry and nephwe ""

Started with a run around side of church to catch up with Tuck.  Quick note.  Doing my business this AM and I get a text from Bam Bam.  It said and I quote "I'll get tuck".  No question mark or any other texts.  I was as I mentioned doing my morning business so I had my hands full.  I assumed he would "get Tuck".  Wasn't the case.  Will leave it up to the Pax to pontificate. 

Warm up included a series of hill runs in serpentine fashion from one end of Hell's ascent to the the other.  With some kettle bell mosey layered in between with an occassional stop to get in a set of 10 hand release mercs, set of 10 Burpees and some KB swings.  Good warm up and when the entire PAX was breathing heavy and not talking I knew it was time to start the workout.

1 round of Rock Jumps – can you say staple excercise!

We made our way down to pull up forest to start.

Ladder time.

Run to chain link fence and back.

Run to chain link fence and back – 10 pull-ups

Run to chain link fence and back – 10 pull-ups – 20 Burpees

Run to chain link fence and back – 10 pull-ups – 20 Burpees – 30 Tater squats

Run to chain link fence and back – 10 pull-ups – 8 Burpees

Recover – Recover

  • Two Buck – Thanks for letting me lead
  • Congrats Ram Road on the new addition and we wish you good health post
  • Tuck again apologies and Tommy boy thanks for the text to ensure he made it
  • Good to see Gentry and meet Red Rider's nephew
  • Bam Bam and Qbert should get together tonight and finish that story Qbert was laying out I missed the middle part
  • Good effort all around – proud of all that showed and look forward to the next opportunity to lead

