Back to Q School for BamBam

(Slim Jim in attendance, not on website)


  • Warmarama
  • SSH
  • Mountain climbers
  • Carrot pullers
  • Merkins

The Thang:

10 KB Swings


10 Merkins

Sprint back

12 KB Swings

10  Curls


10 merkins

15 1/4 turn jump squats

Sprint back

14 KB Swings

10 curls

10 upright row


10 merkins

15 1/4 turn jump squats

10 Man Maker Mountain Climbers

Sprint back

16 KB Swings

10  Curls

10 upright row 

15 Flutter with KB Press


10 merkins

15 1/4 turn jump squats

10 Mountain climbers

Sprint back

18 KB Swings

10 curls

10 upright row

20 flutter with KB press

5 lawn mower each arm


10 merkins

15 1/4 turn jump squats

10 Parker Peters

Sprint back



10 shoulder press with SSH IC (yes, you do a SSH with while pressing the KB up)

6 Burpees each with modifications changing each round to the below

  • Man Maker Burpees (set 1)
  • Bam Bam Burpees (set 2)
  • Slow Burpee with holds (set 3, added 10 KB swings)
  • 10 Regular Burpees (set 4, added 10 KB Swings)
  • Run a lap

Repeat 4 Rounds


plank 30 seconds

mason twist 30 seconds

plank 30 seconds

Low flutter with KB press 30 seconds

Rocky Balboa to 10 IC
2 burpees

Rocky Balboa to 12 IC

2 burpees

Recover Recover


  • Thanks for coming out today men, a good crowd for the Dragon Slayer, which i hope still proves to be a tough AO for those looking for a beatdown!
  • Some faces i hadn't seen in a while which were great to see (Smores and Kingfish!) but more because i am too much in a routine and gotta get out more!
  • Tried some 'different' exercises today, hope you enjoyed
  • Got a lot of static on the SSH with KB press and rightfully so!

Enjoyed it men, thanks for coming out!

Till next time…Bam Bam