Back To School Special

12 PAX got their lunch packed up, boots tied tight and ventured back to their school days on a muggy morning at Barnette Elementary. 

Lap around the parking lot with quadraphelia, high knees and butt kickers.
Circle up for SSH x15 IC, IST x10 IC, Toy Soldier x10 IC, Slow windmill x10 IC, Arm circles, 'Mericans x5 iC, 

The Thang:
FRESHMAN YEAR: Our incoming class started out naieve but optomistic…that changed quickly.  We grabbed some blocks and proceed to do some seemingly random excercises:
Squats (w. Block) x10 IC, Shoulder press x10 IC, curls x10 IC, 'Mericans x10 IC
Summer vacation #1: The Pax got their first taste of freedom with a lap around the parking lot.  The PAX needed to earn some spending money mowing lawns: Lawn Mowers w. block x10 IC each arm.

Building some on Freshman year, while adding in some complexity and additional tasks:
Squats x10 IC, Deadlifts x10 IC, Diamond 'Mericans x10 IC, Shoulder press x10 IC, Skull crushers x10 IC.
Summer Vacation #2: Pax got an internship, but still find time for some freedom – lunge walk to cars, continue lap around parking lot.

JUNIOR YEAR: PAX got an apartment off campus, gotta move their junk (Zamporini to end of parking lot and back):
Deadlift into shoulder press x10 IC, low curls x10 IC, high curls x10 IC.  Mohamed Ali x50, Slow 'Mericans x10
Summer vacation: More internship (lunge walk) less freedom (short run around parking lot).

SENIOR YEAR: Putting it all together:
8 count burners (dead lift>curl>shoulder press>skull crush>back to center) x10 IC.  Burpees x10 IC (8 if senioritis was kicking in).

GRADUATION: blocks away and head over to the "office" (tables) for first job.  PAX quickly realized that none of what they just learned was much help at all:
Dips x10 IC, Inclined 'Mericans x10 IC.  
PROMOTION: Movin on up the corporate ladder (step ups x10 each leg OYO).  Mosey on over to the executive suite for some Mary.

MARY: Things started off easy with LBCs x15 IC, Pretzel crunch x10 IC each side, low flutter x20 IC (break halfway), and crunchy frog x10 IC.  However the corporate office brought in some outside consultants to trim the fat and things quickly got out of hand:  Shoulder touch 'Mericans x10 IC (courtesy of Snake Eyes), jump squats x10 IC (courtesy of 66) and last but not least BURPEES x10 IC (Courtesy of Tugboat). 

All in all it was a great day, the PAX put it a ton of effort and kept the grumbling to a minimum.  No major anouncements or prayer requests (other than Blackbeards Pirate week for Operation Sweet Tooth of course!).