Back to the basics – Pearls on a string

Event Date

Oct 14, 2024

0530 and the only 2 PAX are Clark and his 2.3 Cheese.
0531 Iron Horse Rolls in followed by Travolta and Crabby.

Start with ISW, Toy Soldiers, then Lunges. Finish warmup with 20 calf raises on the steps.

Mosey over to the nearest neighborhood for Squats and Merkins.

Mosey the first Culdesac and back to the main road and finsh more Squats and Merkins

Sprint the next culdesac and mosey back to the main road. Down to the bottom of the hill and Doublewide Merkins and side lunges

Mosey to the next intersection. Sprint up the hill and mosey back. Couple more moves

Mosey to the next street light.
Quadraphelia up to the top of the culdesac and mosey back to the street light where we do SSHs and Squats.

Mosey back to the intersection with the hill and sprint back up and mosey back. Do diamond merkins and squats.

Lunge walk back to the bottom of the long hill and line up.

Sprint to the first light. Recover 20 seconds, Sprint to the 2nd, Recover 20 seconds, Sprint to the 3rd then mosey back to the Q who is still limited to walking.

Mosey back for 6MOM

Mary go round
LBC – Clark
Low Flutter – Crabby
Star Crunch – Cheese
WWI – Travolta
Whole body Crunch – Iron Horse

Todays Bible App verse of the day is one of the mens alliance monthly memory verse, Romans, 10:9 

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Speaking of men’s alliance I invite you all (again) to join one of these tribes. Did deeper into Christian faith. Monday or Wednesday nights at 7pm. Cheese and I will be there Wednesday. Call up C# if you want to go Monday and get him back out there as well.