Back to Work at Arnie’s

With the Basin Run and other weekend events behind them, 19 pax (including Three Rivers – not registered on site, listed as FNG-1 above) got back to work today at Arnie's Army.

0500: 6 pax and one dog ran a fellowship-paced Standard into all of the cul-de-sacs of Brentfield Rd in Birkdale, finishing with 3 miles.

0530: Short mosey around parking lot, circle up, disclaimer.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Feet together, bend at waist, stretch hands to ground, then walk out to plank
  • Merican x 10 IC
  • Pigeon Stretch (both legs)


Grab cinderblocks and circle back up.

  • Full Curl x 15 IC
  • Overhead Press x 15 IC
  • Teabag Squat x 15 IC
  • Skullcrusher x 15 IC
  • Bent Over Row x 15 IC
  • Chest Press x 15 IC

Mosey lap around parking lot.  Return to blocks.

Repeato above sequence, reducing reps to 10 for each exercise.

Mosey to soccer field.  Partner up and line up along baseline, facing downfield.

  • P1 Bear Crawl to midfield and back
  • P2 Block Mericans AMRAP
  • Flip-Flop
  • P1 Lunge Walk to midfield and back
  • P2 WWII Situps AMRAP
  • Flip-Flop
  • P1 Crab Walk to midfield and back
  • P2 Teabag Squat with block AMRAP
  • Flip-Flop
  • P1 Farmer Carry both blocks to end of field and back
  • P2 Dips on Benches AMRAP
  • Flip-Flop
  • P1 Zamperini block to end of field and back
  • P2 Block Curls AMRAP
  • Flip-Flop

Walk back to parking lot and replace blocks.

  • Merican x 10 IC

Mosey to Whoville Tree.

  • Rocky Balboa x 20 IC
  • Curb Incline Merican x 10 IC
  • Repeato both of the above

Mosey back to warmup spot for Mary:

  • Low Flutter x 20 IC
  • WWII Situp x 20
  • Alphabet (Capital Letters)
  • American Hammer (aka Mason Twist) x 15 IC
  • Merican x 10 IC
  • Crunchy Frog x 10 IC (courtesy Stromboli)

Recover, recover.


  • YHC enjoyed taking a break from our usual Standard routes and running a cul-de-sac Standard this morning.  YHC likewise enjoyed taking a break from our usual accelerated Standard pace.  The legs needed that after Lego's Friday General Q followed by Basin Run.
  • The lights were out at the Hoodie household as we jogged by.  He was missed this morning, but definitely deserved the rest after picking up an extra leg for his Basin Run team.  Nice work brother.
  • The grass was pretty wet from some overnight rain.  The pax got plenty soggy, and let the Q know of their displeasure.  Cobains.
  • Happy early b-day to #HIM SweetC, who turns 44 tomorrow.
  • Pleasure to have Dingo join us this morning for the Standard and the beatdown after his long stint as MQ of Berean.  Tclaps for your MQ service there sir, and welcome back!
  • Great to have the Sword crew converge with us this week.  That's a tough group to wear out.  Hope I delivered what you came for.
  • Thanks to Auto for allowing YHC to lead this morning.  I spared the pax the Moroccan Nightclubs this time, but hope I didn't wear out my welcome anyway by calling for crab walks.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  Missed having Eeyore there this morning…. rest up, brother.
