Back to Work Fartlek

YHC was on vacation last week so it was back to work to build BRR stamina. 11 runners conquered the LKN humidity and hills in a Fartlek 10K tour. Top Gun’s dog was along as well and wasn’t shy about “sharing” YHC’s water at end of run.

Mac n Cheese rolled in promptly at 5:11 and then promptly moved to the front of the pack.

Total distance: 6.2 mi Total elevation climb: 350 ft

Pax encountered a first with an irate neighbor on Devonshire who apologized and said she wasn’t yelling at us. Prayers for God’s peace and healing for her.

Congrats to Crab Legs for his 25th wedding anniversary! Best wishes for many more.

Keep up the strong work. BRR is 2.5 months away. Die Hard hosting Tuesday night double downs 7:30pm at WFCH.


