31 Pax rolled out of the fartsack to get some work done on this awesome Tuesday morning.  

A lot Pax not on the website:  Padre, Flow, Paul Shaffer, Columbo, Hansel



15 IC Cotton Pickers

20 IC Mountain Climbers


The Thang:

Mosey through the ally looking for Mailman……..

He wasn't to be found so we decided to do the following:

Bear crawl 100 ft to the open forum

       – 30 Step ups each leg

        – 5 Burpees

Decrease step ups by 5 and add 5 burpees

Finished at approximately 15 steps up and decided to change it up….that was fun

Mosey to DUMC

Partner up- Grab a sang bag and a paver

Partner 1 – Grab the sandbag and run down to the dumpster and back aproximately 50-60 yards

Partner 2- AMRAP the following excercises until you reach the number

   -100 Skull Crushers

   – 200 Curls

   – 300 OH press

Once you completed each total rep count run around the circle of parking lot and Bear crawl the final 20 yards. 

– 20 IC Squats, repeato the run around parking lot

Repeato until it was time to return to the Green for Mary


– 40 IC Low Flutters– YHC

– 15 IC Heels to Heaven -TBC

– 15 IC touch them heels – Cornwallis


Recover Recover


– Thank you Duvall and TPR for allowing me to Q this morning.  It was my first Q in Davidson and I look forward to doing it again. 

-I received a text at about 510 from my Backup Q saying he over slept, so I had to modify what was planned a little to accomadate.  Maybe next time I wont be so kind

-Mummble chatter was decent a points….note to self: Burpees quite the mummble chatter in Davidson.

-It was great to meet new faces, and I hope I started each of your days out on the right foot

