Backwards Blackstone

Man it was a hot one! But 9 pax said they don't care one bit about the heat and headed on to DPK for a little jaunt with some pain. 

Warm Up

Monkey Humpers x10 IC

SSH x10 IC

My watch finally connected to GPS let's roll

Down Gilead

Right on Church

Stop halfway down church for over and backs on the a particularly steep part of the railroad.  Run up – 5 RR merkins – run down other side, back up 5 RR merkins- down (this was done twice for a total of 20 merkins)

Keep on heading down church until we took left on Delwood.

Stop halfway down Delwood for calf raises at the graveyard. 20 regular, 20 toes pointing in, 20 toes pointing out.  

Down delwood then a left on serinity 

10 low flutter IC and 10 low dolly IC

serinity to warfield to vanguard.  Stop at the ditch

1 burpee on one side of the ditch.  Down the hill and back up the other side. 2 burpees.  Back to the other side for 3 burpees. Continue until you do 7 Burpees.

Vanguard to Blackstone. 

Quadrophelia up blackstone

Right on warfield, take Gilead back to the barn

Dying cockroach x15 IC 

A wild and well dressed Burnsey was spotted ingressing 

Hip bridges x10 IC

All you got to the top of the deck

Recover Recover

Great stuff guys. It was stupid hot out there and we still gave em hell. Finished up with right at 3 miles which I think is the sweet spot for NR

That was officially my first time running through vermillion without getting lost. I was worried for a few minutes when it took us longer than expected to get to Blackstone.

Blackstone sucks, let's run it more often

Cobains to the ladies that calypso almost ran over during backpedalling up blackstone

you should not be responsible for incoming traffic when backpedalling.

hambones shorts are short. He also has yet to send me a who's who installment for himself.

frontline can run. Great to see you out man. Look forward to seeing you next week so we can all buy you lots of beer.

Bodhi is back! And true to name brought the skateboard to Harvey's.  We need to find a way to encorperate the skateboard into a workout.  #disclaimer

Prayers up for olive and M pierogi. 

Tclaps to the ingress Q's coming from uptown Charlotte to help us young grasshoppers on our road to taking over the world 

Thanks for coming out guys. It was a good time.


Silver Bullet