Bag of Almonds

This morning started off like any other morning in Race City. 5:15 start time Ruck with YHC Man hands and Comet. Met fellow Ruckers at 5:45 Deepend, Lear, Usain, and Chief. There was a drive by of runners, Nymph, Loveshake, and Santiago. We all are finding out that if you need to have a lookout for snakes….. Man hands is your guy. 1.2.3. Run like a girl. 

The Pax arrived and patiently waited for what the YHC hope to be a great beat down. It is always exciting to see an FNG arrive for his 2nd post. Name-o-Rama is a great way to end the workout  


Mosey around the parking lot 

Butt Kickers

High knees


Cirle around the Great Flag 

pledge led by Lear


 15 SSH

15 Windmills 

1 penalty Burpee for attention getter

15 IST

The Thang-A-Ma-Jig

Mosey down to the Field or Pitch. (Still don't understand)

Pax was instructed to mosey to 1st 1/4 of the field do said exercise 5 reps, Then to 1/2 way 5 reps, then 3/4 way 5 reps, then end of field 5 reps, and repeat to back to starting location waiting for the rest of Pax to return by planking.  



2 Squats

3 Jump Squats

4 Hand release Merkins

5 Bear Crawl to line then LBCs

6 8 count body builders

Grab a traveling rock

7 Zamperini 10 reps of curls 

8 Zamperini Burpees to one end carry rock back to pile


Santiago led for a series of ab exercises which was brutal  

Comet gave us along session of flutter kicks (my favorite)

Recover Recover  

Now we Pray  

The mumble chatter was at an all time high, as expected. Even though I was wanting someone to spill Merlot, no Pax wanted to participate. Maybe next time. I'll have to bring a stronger brand. But today was not wasted with the return of FNG Daryl,  hope I spelled it right.Welcome "Holy Water" to the group  Also we were graced with the presence of Lambo the 2.0 of Deepend. Crack it is always nice to see you out there even though your on the IR list. Oh and we can't forget about Cody the lazy dog. 

Thank you Strutter for allowing me to take over for the day. It was fun and enjoyable. It is always a pleasure to lead you great men into your fitness goals and helping your M's tolerate looking at your Bag of Almonds body.