Bag of Tricks at HalfLife

Event Date

Jul 05, 2017

Apologies for the late BB. On Strava some labeled this 

as "Turnpike's Bag of Tricks", lol.  Here is roughly what went down:

0500: 2.1 mile run Standard with Burner, Forest, Frogger, Honey Bee, and YHC.

Forest and Honey Bee did an extra mile ish up Bailey Road hill because why not?

0530: Joined by Creeper and Lawn Dart, we did:

  • Slow mosey to the bottom of the Half Pipe hill to warm up
  • 10k pace up, jog down
  • 10k pace up the other side, fast guys go back for the 6
  • Mosey to track
  • 1 min at Half Marathon pace, 1 min slow jog
  • 1 min at 10k pace, 1 min slow jog
  • 2 min at 10k pace, 1 min slow jog
  • 1 min at 5k pace, 1 min slow jog
  • 2 min at 5k pace, 1 min slow jog
  • 800 meters (2 laps) at Half Marathon pace
  • 400 meter recovery jog
  • Quadraphilia up hill to Middle School
  • Jog to edge of parking lot for suicides to the 4 basketball hoops, 50-80% forwards and Quadraphilia back
  • Repeato on the half pipe hill, but this time at 5k effort
  • 3 min of stretching 

Recover, recover. We covered anywhere from 4-5 miles.


  1. Prayers for Creeper's sister and mom.
  2. Speaking of Creeper, he's recently off the IR and already beastly.
  3. Forest and Honey Bee lead the pack but always came back for the 6. Awesome work.
  4. Been running a ton with Burner and Frogger lately and they are looking solid. Always a pleasure gents.
  5. Lawn Dart's HalfLife debut! He outworked everyone. Great seeing your progress with running bud.
  6. T Claps again to Honey Bee for taking on the MQ at HalfLife. He is looking for a Q for next week please.