Bagboy’s Brickmas Tree 2024

Writing a back blast is one of the (unofficial) responsibilities for the Q. Many consider it an annoyance and don’t see the point — show to know and all that. But a few — typically the guys who are competing for the most posts in a year category take it quite seriously. It is for those guys, and everyone who likes to see their names in lights or reference an old weinke to come up with one of their own that I am adding this belated entry for the workout at Mighty Jungle on the last Saturday in 2024.

It’s difficult to recall who was present and what was accomplished when you wait too long to write the back blast. I think we had 10 men in attendance and took a stab at the invitee list above. But if you have corrections, feel free to comment and I’ll update as necessary. However, I am certain Jolly Roger was NOT there so don’t even try…

Recalling the workout is a bit easier since there are still backblasts on the site from when the Q did write a skinny backblast post-workout. But he was still young and nimble then and his fingers were still flexible enough to find the keys. 

FNG-1 was Spot visiting from Durham


Mosey to the toy pile and grab 2 bricks and a block. Assemble in some semblance of a circle. No time for a warm-up — or relocating to a covered area in the cold December rain — so embrace the suck of being wet for the next hour and change.

12 rounds of exercises with increasing reps. Each round starts with a new exercise and repeats each of the ones before it with their respective rep count. Some exercises deviated from the original if we lacked a resource (such as a wall for Dips).

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 WWIIs (sometimes audibled for other core exercise)
  • 20 Skull Crushers (sub for Dips due to no wall)
  • 25 CDDs
  • 30 Squats
  • 1 minute Plank
  • 40 Curls
  • 45 Mason Twists
  • 50 SSHs
  • 55 LBCs
  • 60 alternating Lunges

By my math, that’s 60 burpees and a bunch of everything else. Despite knocking out the first several rounds in just 15-20 minutes, it took slightly over 60 minutes to complete all 12 rounds. Now you could have attended one of the weekday workouts to complete a portion of the tree, but then that would have been more of a menorah (9 rounds) now wouldn’t it?

When it was all said and done, we were thoroughly exhausted and even more wet. But we knocked out a CoT and managed 100% participation at coffeeteria where we left a large puddle on both chairs and floor. 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day sir!

