Bags of sand?

Event Date

Oct 02, 2017

3 played with bags of sand for a 45 minute punch in the gut.


  • SSH 20X IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper 10X IC
  • Mountain Climbers 10X IC

The Thang

PAX grab a sandbag of their liking and line up on the parking lot next to the ball field

Circuit 1 – All exercises OYO for 5 total rounds

  • 20 Thrusters
    • Run with sandbag to next island
  • 20 Swings
    • Run back to start
  • Repeat this for 5 rounds

Circuit 2 – All exercise OYO for 2 rounds

  • 10 Turkish Get Ups (5 each side)
    • Bear crawl to next island
  • 10 Burpees
    • Bear crawl back to start
  • Repeato

Circuit 3 – All exercises OYO for 2.5 rounds

  • 10 Muricans with sandbag drag
    • Lunge walk with sandbag to next island
  • 20 4-count flutter kicks with sandbag held over head
    • Run back to start with sandbag
  • Repeato



  • Prayers being lifted for all the victims in Las Vegas
  • Prayers being lifted for our brother, Big Wheel, in Houston
  • Strong work by Cajun Cowboy and Jimmy O
  • New exercises name to describe a bear crawl whilst dragging a sandbag: Truck Nuts