Bailey Road Park Gets Cherry Bombed

Event Date

Dec 03, 2022


7 hard charging PAX chose to fight off the urge to fart sack and continue the prior night’s Christmas Party festivities by accepting the invite to “Adult Recess” at Bailey Road Park on Saturday morning. 5 of our BRP regulars, BagBoy, Canuck, Cobra Kai, Jersey Boy and Waffle House, showed up in the unusually mild gloom as expected but YHC was super stoked to have our newly appointed F3Isotope Nantan Cherry Bomb join us for the workout. 

After a brief, and predictable disclaimer by YHC, including the normal warning and penalty for unwholesome mumble chatter, the PAX were off to the stage we call “Broadway” for the typical Warm-A-Rama of IST, Donkey Kicks, Mountain Climbers, Windmills, and to really get the blood flowing, the Soprano inspired SSH IC x 100.

From there we moseyed over to the far track, ending at the block wall for incline and decline merkins which was preceded by 1 lap around the track. YHC recalled an unwholesome comment by one of the PAX (Waffle House??) which resulted in burpees. Halfway around the track, YHC could tell Cherry Bomb was all business by jumping out to what seemed like a 6 minute mile pace and asking in advance where we would be stopping.  

Mosey around the track to the far side steps where PAX would climb a few flights of stairs up and down, ending with calf raises.

Mosey over to the side of Bailey Middle School where PAX would perform People’s Chair, Air Presses, and Balls to the Wall.  Mosey to picnic tables for dips, merkins and alternating leg step ups.

Mosey towards covered canopy and weave around the poles up and back and ending in the parking lot curbside for Rocky Balboa’s

Mosey back towards BRP ending at Wolfpack playground, partner up for alternating pull-ups and air squats.

Mosey down K2, the long asphalt decline ending at the rock pile where Cobra Kai joined us late for the festivities.  Rock Curls, Shoulder Presses, and Bent Over Rows were performed.

Mosey over to the middle turf field and stop at the far side of the field for WWII’s.  YHC announced a 50% effort run to mid field, followed by an all out 100% run from mid field to far side.  

PAX ended in parking lot to start MARY but wanted to try and get the full 2 miles so we did an extra lap around the parking lot.  According to Waffle House’s watch, we got 2 but other’s Strava count showed 1.8 something. 



  • YHC so freakin’ excited for Cherry Bomb and his designation as the new F3Isotope Nantan.  CB’s energy, passion, enthusiasm, unparalleled overall fitness level and leadership has been a true inspiration and with that, great things I’m sure are in store for 2023 and beyond. With that said, YHC would highly encourage everyone to go outside your comfort zone and find some AO’s which Cherry Bomb regularly attends, not only to support him as Nantan, but to sharpen your 1st F.   Yes, they are hard, and yes your 1st F will be challenged but promise it will be worth it!  
  • YHC would also like to take a moment and give a HUGE shout out to DonHo for all of his leadership as Nantan throughout 2022.  Thank you brother, you have pushed the PAX of F3Isotope to constantly strive to go above and beyond and so many men, including YHC, were truly inspired by your leadership.
  • Strong effort by Waffle, Jersey Boy, Canuck, Bag Boy and Cobra Kai as always!  Thanks to each of you who continue to support the BRP Saturday workouts.  YHC feels like we’re building a solid base of regulars that are stepping up and I’m very excited about what’s happening at this AO!
  • Great seeing Canuck at Christmas In Davidson on Thursday!  Hope some of the other PAX had the opportunity to see him in full costume this Christmas in Davidson
  • Thank you JB for your kind words in CoT about YHC’s award at our annual Christmas Party.  Humbled and honored and please know all kudos go right back to each and every man that encouraged, inspired, and loved on me during 2022.
  • Thanks to all the PAX (Don Ho, Nair, Omega, Popcorn, Scrappy and others) who put together an amazing Christmas Party this year!  Lots of effort goes into such a big event! Thank you men!  Also fun meeting JB’s and Waffle’s M’s at the party.  


Humbly in Christ 
