Baking Cookies

Event Date

Nov 21, 2019


Warmorama: Run the parking lot lines, SSH x 30, TS x 15, Windmill x 15, Mericans x 10

The Thang: 

Jack Webb: Merican + Air Press, 2 Mericans + 2 Air Presses, etc.  up to the number of years you've been in F3.

4 Corners:  Start in your corner, execute exercise, run full loop and one corner. exercise. repeato until you've covered all corners.

  • 15 Squats
  • 12 CDD
  • 15 Jump Squats
  • 10 WWII

Australian Peelback: continuous squats, front person bear crawls to the back, repeato.


  • 15 Low Flutter
  • 20 LBC
  • 25 Low Dolly
  • 30 Dying Cockroach
  • 35 Box Cutter


  • Running parking lot lines is not as easy as it sounds.
  • There was a lot of Jack Webb.  I didn't anticipate that much F3 experience, but we got through it.  Should have made a mental note of the total number of F3 years.  No #FunFacts…
  • Only a domestic god can bake 3000 cookies.  From the conversation, this ain't the slice and bake variety.  The Keebler elves have nothing on you.  BTW, "Baking cookies" means just that.  No fartsacking or procreation euphemisms, just dessert.
  • Ambiously set the 4 corners far away, but somehow they self-adjusted to fit the time and place.
  • There was discussion of having an EH tree which led to Tugboat's mystery EHer.  If you have a boat and a wife that owns a yoga studio, Tugboat wants to talk.
  • Certified gluten free, free range, cage free, burpee free workout
  • Not a boxcutter free workout.  Who does 35 of those?
  • Heard on the court:
  1. You can shove those cookies up your a__.
  2. Thats what she said. (no surprise there)
  3. The OGs only have 3 exercises.
  4. There's a machine that does boxcutters.
  • Truly an honor to be counted among the ranks of OGs.  Even a bigger honor to lead fine gentlemen.