Ball Sacks

Event Date

Jul 13, 2024

8 PAX present: Abrams, Diesel, Dr Dolittle, Fabio, Mater, Sonar, Spork, & C#

3 different times we modify to accommodate great PAX contributions/comments, whether they were intentionally said or not.

We warm up with:
First Accommodation: Abrams gets giddy because someone opens the track gate to access the field for getting new lights.  So we ask if we can take a lap, and we do just that.  Everyone got to enjoy the rubbery softness of the track, then back to the launch pad.
Cotton Pickers
Toy Soldiers
Second Accommodation: Spork had earlier asked if I have brought a speaker since I was the Q.  He said he would have expected something like “Raining Tacos”…  So I pull out my phone and we do planks and merkins every time “tacos” is said while we listened to “raining tacos”.  

The thang (ball sacks):
I have two sacks, each has balls in them; hence the name.

First we go over to the nearby rocks, grab one, and up into the parking lot above where we park.  A baseball’ish diamond is setup to represent stations 1,2,3 & 4.  We stand in the middle.  
Each pax takes a turn and draws out a tennis ball, then also a card with an exercise.  Tennis balls are all numbered 1-4.  So we jog to that station and do the exercise that was drawn.  The station is also a multiplier, so if the exercise is 5 SSH, and we draw 3, we mosey over to 3 and do 15 SSH.
The pax quickly catch on and this thing gets going. 
Math errors were made and much discussion about the complexity, distances, choices, etc… all the while much work is being done.  
That is how C# likes to Q, keep ’em guessing, and you don’t really focus on the work being done.
So we do that a while and stop to transition to sack #2.

But wait, pax ask why we never used the rocks we selected.  They were really for the next set of exercises but we got them early.  Further adding to my art of confusion.

Next sack worked like this:
Frisbee (where), Dice (how many), Ball (determines the exercise)
There is a dice in the bag with custom drawn numbers on it.  Pax rolls the dice to determine our quantity.
Also draws a ball (golf, ping pong, baseball, tennis, etc… were all in th bag with exercises written on them).
Now they throw the frisbee to see where we go.  And we mosey, bringing everything with us, including the rocks.
Note: Q intentionally brings my lightest and cheapest frisbee to limit the running as you just can’t throw it very far. 
The frisbee takes one hell of a beating, but survives the workout, but now in 3 pieces barely hanging together.  
Extra Note: this style Q was invented by our own PAX named “Frisbee”.  Sure do miss him and Nittany…
We do this for a while and our adventure takes us up and down the parking lot, in and out of the shade, and even takes Mater across the street and back (Only Mater though, as he risk only his life as pax did not follow, mainly because he went out of turn).  We plank and he plays frogger across 16 and back.
Time is almost up, but wait!
Third Accommodation: Diesel said “hey, you know, with these new railroad ties by the tennis courts, we could do those raccoon walk things”.  We sure could, and we did.  PAX racoon walk up the ties, up hill.  Not extremely challenging, but does definitely strengthen you to stay stable while doing so.  I recommend we do these often.  Thanks Diesel!
We return our rocks (that we actually used this time)

Then we migrate our circle for mary to the shade of a nearby tree in the parking lot.

Box cutters, then reversed

2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Reminder that scripture is a gift, breathed out by God.  Something we should value and read!

Thanks for following me around doing silly stuff on a hot morning!

Love you guys!  Miss the rest of you; and love you too! 

If you haven’t been out in a while, we are still here, and we need you as much (if not more) than you need us.  ISI 

