
Event Date

Mar 24, 2017

4 Men and a wild, ferocious, yet obedient woof showed up at Mustang to swing their bells. This is their workout.


Carry bells to track: 

Drop Bells and mosey:

First corner: 20 IC SSH

2nd Corner: 15 IC Windmills

3rd Corner: 15 IC Cotton Pickers

4th Corner: 5 Deep squat stretches

Take Bells to top of track 

10 HayBailers each side.

Everyone welcome Gino to the party

To home stands:

10 IC Thrusters

15 IC Merkins (Cause we are)

20 OYO Box Jumps

25 AKB Swings

5 IC Thrusters

10 IC Merkins

15 OYO Box Jumps



10 each: 4xs Cannonbell Press/rotate for Chest press

(Start with your own weight, Cannonbell press 10 IC, set weight down, rotate left to next bell and stargaze on bench for 10 IC CHest Press. Repeato until you get bak to your bell)

5 IC each 4xs Cannonbell Press/Chest Press

Carry bells to top of track.

CIrcle up for Bucket Brigade. (Stand close together in a circle, bell on the right. Squat down (avoiding bumping heads) and pick up the bell on your right, pass it to your left hand, squat down, and set it beside you. Repeato to pass a total of 3xs to the left and 3xs to the right.)

Carry bells overhead to the launch pad.

15 (IC) Dr W Curls (Starting position is down in front, holding bell in goblet fashion, curl to the right shoulder, down to start, up to chest, down to start, up to left shoulder)

10 IC each way Around the world


From the cuff: Yesterday I attended a funeral for my Bro-in-law's GPaw, then went to my dad's retirement party. Dad is known for his integrity, having been raised that way and having graduated from VMI where lying, cheating, or stealing or condoning such behavior is not allowed nor tollerated. As kids we were walking the campus and my sister saw a nickel on the sidewalk. She picked it up and took a few steps until dad said, "You know, a Cadet would not have picked that up." So she dropped the nickel. He continued, "Now the cadet whose nickel that is will not pick it up. He knows that he left his nickel 3' back, over there, he will assume that this is someone else's nickel and that someone stole his." We were raised with that type of example of honesty. As we stood at dad's party, people applauding his service to the company, I thought of how honest he had been to them. He had worked from home for the last 16 years. Last week I asked him to show me a map on the computer. He pulled it up onhis work computer as it was available. I asked him to print the page for me. He turned around to his personal laptop and opened it up, booted it up, found hte website, found themap, and printed it off. He handed me the sheet. "Family paper" he said. Honest to the end of his career.

As we journey through this life no one will wish they had spent more time at the office. How will we be remembered? In a world of shifting values, are we the anchors of integrity for our families? Can they look to dad or husband or brother or son and know that we are protectors of virtue and honor? Do they know that we are honest and men of integrity, or do they think that we have situational honesty and convinient integrity?

Be, good men. Be good, men. Be good men. 


  • Someone got a new bell! And they left it sitting under the light with a water bottle. As the Pax was heading to the workout area they saw a light in the distance as Hefty emerged fro the gloom with a very obedient pooch.
  • Gino (FNG) arrived and joined in the workout – we were proud to have him!
  • Zippy asked the Pax to remind him to get milk. Hefty did so, 2 seconds after request was made.
  • While in star gazer position for chest presses, Gino became confused and flustered, claiming to have a "Ball sack in my face!!!" The dog, Daisy, was a little confused also as she is most definetly a lady and does not wear a ball sack but instead has a fanny pack. Maybe Gino's name should be Lola? 
    • Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
      It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola
    • ?Q is also pushing for Balzac for a name for Gino as Balzac is a famous French writer and it is a great reminder that our words will always come back to haunt us… Please weigh in…
  • It was a pleasure as always!