Bam Bam Employs Bit of Science at Blender

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 12 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with kettle bells in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown Blender style at the state-of-the-art big green gym of GCC.   

Warm Up:
SSH x 10
Windmill x 10
Merican x 10
Imperial Storm Trooper x 10
Sprint x 150 yards
Sprint x 150 yards

Main Event: Pull-Up Forest

Merican x 4 (two count cadence)
Block Squat-to-Press x 4
Dead-Hang Pull-Up x 2

Merican x 8 (two count cadence)
Block Squat-to-Press x 8
Dead-Hang Pull-Up x 4

Merican x 12 (two count cadence)
Block Squat-to-Press x 12
Dead-Hang Pull-Up x 6

Merican x 16 (two count cadence)
Block Squat-to-Press x 16
Dead-Hang Pull-Up x 8

Merican x 20 (two count cadence)
Block Squat-to-Press x 20
Dead-Hang Pull-Up x 10

Merican x 16 (two count cadence)
Block Squat-to-Press x 16
Dead-Hang Pull-Up x 8

Merican x 12 (two count cadence)
Block Squat-to-Press x 12
Dead-Hang Pull-Up x 6

Merican x 8 (two count cadence)
Block Squat-to-Press x 8
Dead-Hang Pull-Up x 4

Merican x 4 (two count cadence)
Block Squat-to-Press x 4
Dead-Hang Pull-Up x 2

Kettle Bell Swing x 10
Rocky Balboa x 10
Mack-Tar-Ji x 10

Kettle Bell Swing x 20
Rocky Balboa x 20
Mack-Tar-Ji x 20

Kettle Bell Swing x 30

Run to church patio with Kettle bell

W x 16
Elbow plank x 30 seconds

Beginning Temperature: 62F
Weather conditions: Dry, but rain approaching
Total Running with or without KB Distance: most likely .50 mile
Total Planking Time: 0-4 minutes
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  Well, this WO seemed to start out easy enough but became very painful in a hurry.
2.  Bam Bam noted after the second set of pull-ups that a two-second count on the hang would work well for the dead-hang pull-up sequence.  Nice call Bam Bam.
3.  Snoopy was only two minutes today.  Although there were claims that the two minutes enhanced his speed in the sprint off, I’m not convinced. 
4.  Packer (aka The Real Bad Ass), you are missed.  YHC reached the church patio with kettle bell first (at the end of the WO) for the first time in months. 
5.  Hey, were was Friday?  Springfield?  Dallas?  Green Eggs? Suitcase?
6.  Denim = Consistency.
7.  Solid effort by all, but certainly no quit and no cheating when it comes to Hollywood; strong effort with no cutting of corners.
8.  Another solid effort by all.  However, I noticed as we changed kettle bells on the swings that a few could move up in weight – 25lbs probably isn’t going to improve the overall fitness anymore.   
9.  As always, it was an honor to lead the PAX.  I’m sure that Dallas, Springfield, or Friday (who will it be?) is cooking up something special for the next Blender.