Bam Bam’s Dog ate a rabbit in a burning ring of fire?

Not listed above: Rocker, Gator Bait, Renaissance, Slim Jim, Bedbug.  FNG 1 = The Fridge (who I will officially name Da Fridge) – my son (more on that below) and Red Rider (Bam Bam headlock)!  A few Kotters including Junk!

– Mosey to back of lot
– SSH X 30IC
– Run back to Rocks
– Grab a rock and carry to two separate aisles (i.e., we had too many people for one aisle)
Aisles Work: 
– lunge with rock overhead from one side to other
– Bear crawl and pushing rock across lot
– Broad jump burpees to other side without rock
– Sprint to other side
– Repeato the Bear crawl and pushing rock across lot
Partner up
– P1 run around with no rock
– P2 walk zamperini the other direction
– When partners meet – 15 burpees
– Flap jack
20 merkins OYO

Ring of Fire – to the song by Johnny Cash for 2:35 minutes – YHC calls a variety of exercises for the full song.  Don't recall exact exercises but something like: merkins, curls, shoulder presses, squats, diamond merkins, skull crushers, etc.
Another Lap around entire lot and then back to rocks
Slow merkins (down 5 and up in 5) X 5, plyo merkins X 10OYO
Mosey to wall for Balls To Wall
Run around half lap
Repeat: Ring of Fire – to the song by Johnny Cash for 2:35 minutes – YHC calls a variety of exercises for the full song.  Don't recall exact exercises but something like: merkins, curls, shoulder presses, squats, diamond merkins, skull crushers, etc.
  • Thanks to DonHo for providing me with the opp to Q this AO, of which is now under construction.  DH sent me a message saying I won't be able to use the Monkey Bars and blocks (crying) so did some quick modifications of the workout last night.  
  • A few BS calls particularly on the Bear Crawl while pushing a rock across the lot.  That was as hard as I thought it was going to be, and that will be back again in the future!
  • Was a proud Dad today for my 11 y/o son (middle son) coming out and taking on his first real workout (first one was at Dad's camp with 5,000 people two years ago) with his Dad leading today.  His first words when we got in the car…"Dad, that was so cool, those guys are so nice, Qbert cusses a lot, and I want to come back next week Monday with you…can I?"  I said, "yes it is cool, yes they are all great guys, Qbert is a Marine it just comes with the gig, and absolutely you can come back out next week Monday and/or Tuesday…."  BTW – I probably cuss more than Qbert – I just needed to hold it in today 🙂 
  • Scrappy came into the parking lot at 0525 with Metallica cranking – loved it!
  • RamRod killed us with a legs workout this past Wednesday so I needed to balance it out with some upper body work today.  Although we did do a good amount of running – and RamRod continues to get faster and faster.  Left Scrappy in his dust on one lap.
  • OverBudget in typical fashion, along with Caboose, decided to grab the largest possible rocks in the pile and paid the price later in the workout!  Nice work men.
  • Good to see Junk and Winnebago out there today – it's been a while!
  • Welcome Red Rider and Da Fridge (my 11 y/o son) to F3 after being officially named today!  I thought Bedbug was an FNG in the beginning but then had a name at the end of the workout – so didn't know if he was an FNG or not – I will lean on RamRod for that.
  • Great to see Olive out there, and coming up with the name of my son's F3 name!  
  • Good to see my old crew back in the hood – Fescue and Magnum in particular!  
  • And finally – Bam Bam's dog.  Yes you read the title correctly, there is a very good reason to believe Baxter ate a rabbit today.  After coming back from running I hear Baxter's mouth squeaking…and I walk over to him (while Bam Bam was still struggling with the burpees) and see what I think is a mouse in his mouth.  Then he runs away…  I run after him again…and realize it's a baby rabbit.  Caboose and I decide to approach Baxter with a "Baxter no…." and that led Baxter to fire the rabbit back into his mouth and then proceeding to tip his head back as if he was swallowing a pill.  Gone!  I had to return to my duties of Q'ing and called upon his owner to figure out if he actually swallowed it.  All indications are – it's gonzo!  #thatsafirst

That's a wrap!  Later – Ditka