Bang anytime

Event Date

Jan 21, 2022

2 for a chilly Friday morning, 4 miles with accountability and fellowship!

You know the routine…

Start out at Birkdale across from Starbucks, set you watches, wait for any late arrivals (no 98)

Run to greenway and first bang at top of the hill at Westmoreland…you know which one 

Next run to Catwaba…we felt like skipping it and continued the run

Next bang at top of Elevation Church exit

Continue run to stop light at 73, we decided to forego and finish run back to start.



Nothing like accountability, we both spoke of how we would have stayed in the bed if we had not committed to showing up.

We were not alone on the greenway, passed some Oddessy runners this morning, good pace and good numbers!

Thanks Jaws/Freedom for letting me Q, always and honor to lead.