10 out this am for Muscle Beach! It was a banner day!
SSH, WM. CP, IST, Arm Circles
The Thang:
20 reps of the following exercises for 5 sets – 100 reps each exercise
- Bench 6 inches
- WWII Jabs
- Alternating Twisting Reach
- Boat Curls
- Overhead Pull Crunch
- Mason
- Scaption Crunch
- Great to see the pax turnout this am! Biggest turnout for Muscle Beach in some time. Great seeing everyone!
- Schwinn's Brodega workout went great, it was afterwards when "stuff" started to happen. Came home to busted freezer, had 2 flat tires after hitting some auto part left on 485, had one of his food machines broken, his daughter had an accident, so good thing he stretched out during the yoga workout. Said he spent some money that day
- Slow Roll had a $10,000 day that day. Big money day for him also. He booked a Disney trip for his family. He'll be walking a little funny after that.
- Century Abs not kind to the coccyx..
- Pre workout 5k by Pinky, Slow, El Tigre
- Bench 6" had a wide range of interpretation…
- Strong work Men!