Barbara steals the show at Fission

Event Date

Aug 22, 2019


Barbara steals the show at Fission 


Mosey to the back parking lot of the school. Circle up for a  quick warm up before the pain began.


SSH 20x IC

IST 10x IC

Cotton picker 10x IC

Toy soldier 10x IC

Windmill 10x IC


The Thang

5 Rounds of the following in cadence:

20 Australian Pull-Ups

30 Merkins 

40 LBCs

50 Air Squats


Merkins were different each round: elbow plank(Makhtar Ndiaye), wide arm, incline on curb, decline on curb, and diamond.


After each round, the pax went up the hill in the Weatherstone neighborhood performing a different exercise:

Round 1: side step 

Round 2: lunge walk 

Round 3: quadraphilia 

Round 4: bear crawl 

Round 5: lunge walk 


Return to the launching point. Mary was neglected because Barbara stole the show.


Recover Recover 







Always a pleasure to work out with the regulars at Fission – Jersey Boy, Dr Seuss. Hat Trick, and Hollywood.


Ferrigno you are quickly becoming a regular at the various AOs. Keep up the strong work. Nice job calling cadence. 


Always a pleasure leading you guys in the gloom. Until next time, oh wait that’s tomorrow at The General.


Cousin Eddie